Proposed Bylaws Committee Workplan for 2001 (Since some of the committee's work is initiated by other committees and working groups, this workplan is necessarily incomplete. We will likely be working on proposals not yet on our radar) Committee Objectives for 2001: 1) Voting Threshold, General Assembly discussion/poll proposal: The objective is to conduct a GA discussion on the current voting thresholds and possible alternatives. After this discussion, a poll will be taken to help the committee determine if any bylaw changes are warranted. Things to do... We need to develop a package with statements of the relevant issues and we need to agree on a format for the proposed GA discussion/poll. 2) Bylaws Clean-Up: The objective is to read through the current bylaws and identify and fix any confusing, imprecise, inconsistent, redundant, overly-specific, or ambiguous language. First reading of some suggested changes planned for the April 2001 plenary committee meeting. Committee Timeline: April 2001 Plenary - Proposal: Restructuring bylaws - Proposal: At-Large election bylaws - Proposal: Structure and filing of bylaws September 2001 Plenary - GA discussion/poll: Voting thresholds - Proposal: Misc. Bylaws Clean-up .