Green Party of California

Application for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
(job description)
received March 26th, 2007

Name  -  Akio Tanaka
City - Oakland
County  - Alameda
Contact information - (510) 914-8353


I have been a Green Party member since 2002. I have served as a proxy member on the Alameda Green Party County Council, and have helped out with several Green Party campaigns, including: Matt Gonzalez for mayor of San Francisco, Gail MacLaughlin for mayor of Richmond, and Aimee Allison for Oakland City Council.

I also ran for the KPFA Local Station Board last year, and I just missed being elected. (I placed 10th for 9 open seats). In addition, I was on the core committee for a city-wide referendum here in Oakland to turn back a huge waterfront development project (we're still in court to get the signatures counted).

I understand that the Green Party of California wants to have good representation to the national party, and I am available to help.