Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 26th, 2007
Name - Drew
- Sunnyvale
County - Santa
Contact information - (408)
* Registered Green for about 10 years. Got extremely active as an on-line activist
for abolishment of diebold-style voting machines after 11/02/04.
* I am the GPUS's #1 most active blogger for 2 years now. If anyone wants to
verify this they only need to do
the following google search: When I just did this search I got 12,700 hits!
* My undergrad degree is from University of Colorado in Political Science. My
internship was in event promotion and PR.
* I've worked as a reporter and editor at a small daily newspaper. I've done
professional technical writing.* I've done years of work on all aspects of
video production work on an award winning public access TV program re: SF Bay
area environmental issues, and I eventually served as Executive Producer.*
I founded and direct a nonprofit focused on Silicon Valley environmental and
quality of life issues.
* I have years of work as a computer professional in Silicon Valley.
* I recently began professional training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
to become a certified trainer. This directly applies to dispute and conflict
* I set up 6 workshops at the Tucson 2006 GP NAM on Nonviolent Communication
(NVC). They were well attended and recieved very positive response, from those
that attended. Several prominent GP folks and candidates attended including Byron
DeLear, Howard Switzer, Kathy Dopp, Ann Wilcox, Echo Steiner, and Kat Swift.
* I've proposed and plan
to create a network to arrange for Greens to be trained in various aspects of
nonviolence, including Nonviolent Resistance and Nonviolent Communication among
* I Created and promoted several Green Party election events including a press
conference for Michael Berg when he recently visited SF to recieve an award as
a "Hero and Champion of Forgiveness".
* I'm working within my county to strengthen our county partys.* Apponted to
Sunnyvale Housing and Human Service Commission