Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 26th, 2007
Name - Forrest
- Oakland
County - Alameda
Contact information -
My name is Forrest Hill and I am running for re-election as a member of the
national delegate to the Green Party of the United States.
I have been a member of the Green Party for seven years. During this time I
have been a member of the coordinating committee, served co-chair of the campaigns
and candidates working group, was the California coordinator for the Nader
2004 campaign, and helped manage the Aimee Allison campaign for city council
in Oakland California. In 2006 I was the Green Party candidate for Secretary
of State of California.
I have worked as a research scientist, financial advisor, electoral reform
activist and environmentalist. I have been a technical adviser for several
government agencies including the California Department of Fish and Game and
the Sonoma County Water Agency. Currently, I specialize in socially responsible
investing using investments for economic, social, and environmental transformation.
I received my BS and MA from the University of Massachusetts and my doctorate
in Biological Oceanography from MIT. I did my post-doctoral research at the
Institute of Theoretical Dynamics at UC Davis, in Davis, CA.
While living in Davis, I worked with the Davis Human Rights Commission to pass
a resolution opposing the USA PATRIOT Act, and helped author a resolution opposing
the war in Iraq that was adopted by the Davis City Council in 2003. I also
founded the UC Davis Green Party, one of the largest campus Green Party chapters
in the country.
Over the past 30 years, I have been a member of the United Transportation Union,
earned a living as a carpenter and musician, served as an officer in the Michigan
chapter of Ralph Nader’s Public Interest Research Group, coordinated
several local and national political campaigns, and traveled to Nicaragua in
support of coffee growers during the Reagan sponsored Contra war.