Green Party of California
Application for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
(job description)
received March 26th, 2007

Name  -  Greg Jan
City - Oakland
County  - Alameda
Contact information (phone/email) (510) 444-7336


I have been involved with the Greens almost since the very beginning (since 1985), when I helped to organize the East Bay Green Alliance here in Alameda county, in May of that year. Later during the 1980's I served on the national body of the Green Committees of Correspondence, which later became the Greens/Green Party USA. I also helped organize northern California regional meetings of the Greens and I was one of 4 co-ordinators for the 1988 "Greening the West" gathering, held in San Mateo county.

I was also involved in the organizing that led to the founding of our state party, from 1989 until 1992, and I served on the "Q (Qualification) Group" (to gain ballot status). Once we became an official party, I started working on election campaigns including Dona Spring for Berkeley City Council, Ralph Nader for President, Dan Hamburg for Governor, Gloria Purcell for Assembly, Peter Camejo for Governor, John Selawsky for Berkeley School Board, and Aimee Allison for Oakland City Council. I have also served many terms on my local County Council, several years on the state Coordinating Committee, and I have been active on several state committees and working groups during the past 15 years that we have been a party.

Outside of the Green Party, I have also volunteered with several different peace groups, I served for several years as Bay Area coordinator of the World Future Society, I was employed as Operations Director of the county food bank, I helped to coordinate several Berkeley Earth Day events, and I was on the Board (and served a term as President) of Oakland's Ohana Asian Cultural Center.

I am currently an alternate member of our California delegation to the national party (having served as a delegate for a number of years), and I participated in the 4 annual national meetings/conventions from 2002 through 2005 (Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Milwaukee, and Tulsa). I have helped coordinate several of California's proposals to the Green National Committee, including a proposal related to the complex 2005 Tulsa co-chair election situation that passed by 77%, and from January through April of this year I've worked to get the DAC (Delegate Apportionment Committee) proposal approved by the national party, so that California (and the rest of the country) could have fairer and more proportional representation. I've learned a number of things about how our national party National Committee works (and doesn't work), and I would be happy to continue as a delegate (or alternate) in representing California's interests to the national party, so that we can build the best possible Green Party, both within California, as well as across the country, and beyond.