Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 26th, 2007
Name: Henry
City: Fountain Valley
County: Orange
Contact information - (714)
I am an active member in good standing with the GP of Orange County. I was
formerly elected to the county council of the same organization.
1) I have served as an activist in the GPCA GROW WG, on the National GPAX representing
Alabama, and as an alternate NC delegate from Alabama.
I have coordinated outreach and many events that broadened the GPOC and green
party’s appeal to Spanish speaking and immigrant labor.
I have broadened outreach in the spectrum of PDA to Direct Action
folks not traditionally given to trusting electoral politics.
I have consistently advocated
on behalf of veterans and immigrant rights, while guarding against pandering
to chauvinism or giving into erroneous ideas that the leadership or base
of the green party is beyond racism, sexism, or self-criticism
and improvement.
My personal and professional skills allow me to juggle many different people,
ideas, and tendencies so that the outcome can be of the greatest benefit
to the overall project of the ten key values.
2) My background in union, community, and campaign organizing in the United
Domestic Workers, the 1980’s anti-intervention and solidarity movement,
and in the apartheid divestment campaigns form my basic organizing skills
and frameworks. As a doctor and movement agitator, I bring a unique perspective
to some of our key values like non-violence, and working alongside and complementary
to, the broader movements for social change, peace and justice.
3) My vision for being a member of the California delegation to the GPUS
is to help facilitate a broader more tolerant of diverse opinions policy,
decreasing the threshold necessary to allow people to act and endorse in
our name. Key to this is degree and there must be accountability. We must
be able
to more timely act and get our name our so that voters will see real leadership
not some extreme form of the democratic party. I feel strongly that we must
deadicate more resources to leadership development, professional student
organizers, and that all our leadership development needs to emphasize and
subsidize people
of color and womyn. This can only be accomplished if we actively and collectively
take up the issues important to these oppressed groups. Ultimately we will
have to more effectively handle the tension between emergent caucuses in
our orgs and the need to struggle for consensus and against “winning questions” and
forcing them onto a minority. I generally favor setting up more representational
distributions of delegate voters so that the results of our endorsement will
unify rather than divide.