Green Party of California

Application for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
(job description)
received March 25th, 2007

Name  -  June Brashares
City - San Francisco
County  - San Francisco
Contact information - 415-425-3733


1) Prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills within of the Green Party that apply to this position:

*Campaign manager for Medea Benjamin's campaign for CA Senate in 2000
*Delegate to National Green Party Conventions in 2000 & 2004.
*Elected to and served on San Francisco Green Party County Council for 2002-2004

Volunteered on numberous Green Party candidate & issue campaigns 2000-present
Election Observation as an official Green Party observer in Florida for the recount in 2000 and in San Francisco in 2003 (also outside the GP with Fair Elections International accompanying International Election Observers in Ohio in 2004)

2) Prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills outside of the Green Party that apply to this position:Professional Employment:

*1987-1988 CalPIRG (policy advocacy and door to door dialogue in communities)
*1988-1996 Center for Public Interest Law at the University of San Diego Law School, working under the leadership of original "Nader Raider" Robert C. Fellmeth (marketing, managing quarterly journal, coordinating consumer trainings and large budget responsibilities)
*1998-1999 San Diego Labor Council (communications and administrative work)
*1999-present Global Exchange (Directing Speakers Bureau, organizing for economic, environmental and social justice)

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of California San Diego
Certificate of completion of courses in Renewable Energy from Solar Energy International, Carbondale, CO

Other Relevant Experience:
Service on Boards:
Support Committe for Maquiladora Workers
Central American Information Center

Activist for Peace and Environmental Sustainability:
Many, many day to day activities besides the more well known holding up of a banner for peace which caused disruption of George W. Bush's acceptance speech at Republican National Convention in 2004 and recently holding up a banner for peace inside Hillary Clinton's fundraiser in San Francisco earlier this year. Appearance in clip on Jon Stewart Show in relation to working on the Energy Crisis in California in 2001. Electric Car owner 1990-1995 (first person to receive tax credit for zero emissions vehicle in San Diego County)

3) Vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including addressing the job description for GPUS Delegate:

I see the role of the GPUS Delegate as being accountable to the GPCA GA and GPCA CC, thoughtfully representing the diverse California membership and carefully voting to best represent the interests of the GPCA and the GPUS. I want to participate in helping the GPUS so that it moves forward in a positive productive manner as an entity that is effective in showing leadership and gives support to grow and strengthen the Party nationally.