Green Party of California

Application for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
(job description)
received March 10th, 2007

Name  -  Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza- Curry
City - Los Angeles
County  - Los Angeles
Contact information - (323) 242-9556


1) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills within of the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.
Green Party Involvement

March 2002 – March 2007 (5 years as an active Green Party member)
Eecycle, take mass transit, rent eco- friendly cars, buy organic!
Restarted the South Central Greens I have for the past four year’s hosted our local meeting. I have facilitated several Los Angeles County Council meeting, participant in telephone banking, get out the vote, voter registration, tabling, outreach events etc. here in Los Angeles, Participated in several local green campaigns in the City of Santa Monica; Josephina, Kevin K & Mike F. and B. Delear.

Consistent state delegate to our General Assembly since 2002, a was a state party sustainer for 2 year’s, worked on and supported Green campaigns up northern California; San Francisco; Terry Baum, Bruce Wolfe and I set up and ran the Anti Fraud Taskforce for Matt Gonzales Mayoral Run and in Oakland, sent funds for Aimee Allison in Oakland. Currently, service as Co Co for GPCA GIWG, a not so active member of GI, founding and forming member of the GPCA Disable Caucus. Self appointed set up person for GPCA Women’s caucus. A member of four GPCA Committees; International, Platform, Bylaws and Strategy. I am sadly, the only person and women of color on the each of these GPCA Committee’s this in a state which has a majority of people of color. I was a founding member of GPCA Black Caucus and GPCA People of Color Caucus, campaigned for our state slate starting in 2002. I have attended two recent retreat set up one by Laura Wells and the other by Warner B. and Mike F. also working to ensure the GPCA do a grand job of ensuring we (GPCA) use our 20th Anniversary in 2008 to put forth a state slate of all women starting with Laura Wells as our candidate for Governor!

Founding member of the GPUS Black Caucus, I set up the successful Anti Racism Workshop’s during the WI GPUS National Convention 2004. I served as a GPCA delegate to our national convention in 2004. Member of the GPUS Disable Caucus. Currently, I am currently seeking a delegate spot on the GPCA 2007- 09 national delegations. Aspirant for the Green Party United State (GPUS) Vice Presidential 2008 position

2 ) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills outside of the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.

Summary of Qualifications
• Strategic, tactical and critical thinker and planner
• Highly creative event planner and fundraiser
• Thorough and superior organizational skills
• Excellent communication, facilitation, interpretation, presentation skills
• Proven track record in developing and producing cultural heritage programs and projects

Professional Experience
Written and Verbal Communications
• Conducted think tanks, facilitated workshops and presentations to tourist, community leaders and students both local and internationally
• Assisted in writing, negotiating grant proposals and contracts
• Wrote pubic service announcements for governmental, non profit, academic environments and children’s television program scripts
Administration and Development
• Worked effectively overseeing all aspects including supervisory role in private business, non profit and governmental settings
• Responsibilities included designing management procedures and manuals which impacted the organization positively
• Created cultural heritage programs for non profit, governmental and for profits organizations
Planning and Organization
• Coordinated and planned special events such as festivals, conference, summits, trainings, orientations, workshops and fund-raisers
• Organized all aspects of promotional packaging from concept to actual events for various organizations
• Established long term plans and structures

3) Please describe your vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including addressing the job description for GPUS Delegate.

My objective in joining the Green Party was and is about building a permanent third party here in the United States of America. For me, the way forward must be for our political party to emphasize direct action tactics and traditional electoral politics to women, people of color, independents and progressives in a clear and measurable manner. This given that the Democrats consistently take for granted all voters of color.

After 5 years (2002-2007) of involvement at or with every level of the Green Party United State (local, state, national) I say we must combine our energy on all levels to create winning strategies that synergistically promote a Green vision appealing to the varied local, state and national interests of all voters. We must make securing the 5% mark of the national voter base the goal over the next 19 months (March 2007 -2008) this “doable” goal will not only ensure we will be eligible for federal matching funds for our 2008 slate. It (2008 national campaign) can benefit local organizing, bringing in new recruits, a new vitality and energy to the party.

As a female of African descent , 45 years old (DOB 01/011962) I am a direct product of a nation which came thru the civil rights movement, the people who laid their bodies on the line in that movement are a significant part of my inspiration.

As a historian, I have a “historical advantage” of looking at political and policies development over time. I’m fully aware that as a nation, “We are at an historic crossroads”. Our nation’s current political atmosphere and voter dissatisfaction has created a "climate of opportunity" for the Green Party on every level.