Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 23rd, 2007
Name - Leslie
County - Alameda
Contact information -
I respectfully request your vote and support for continuity, maturity, responsibility
and open communication as a CA Delegate. I have been on the CA Delegation to
the GNC since its expansion to 13 Delegates in 2002, first as an Alternate,
and then as a Delegate. I am very active with the Delegation, with a near 100%
Voting Record on national proposals. I believe strongly in California's continued
affiliation and conspicuous and seasoned presence in the Green Party of the
United States. I was a Delegate at the Presidential Nominating Conventions
in 2000 and 2004. I have been registered Green in CA since 1992.
I take my responsibilities seriously as a delegate, and strive to attend monthly
teleconferences, state plenaries and national meetings. I read my email and
respond frequently on both the national and internal state delegation lists.
I was chosen by the delegation to be "Vote Nanny" or Floor Manager,
in order to keep track of the week-long votes, and ensure that the delegation
uses our 13 Votes on every proposal, by empowering alternates to participate
and vote. I am especially proud that the CA Delegation achieved 13 YES votes
on the Delegate Apportionment Proposal, despite some early indications that
there were concerns and we lacked consensus. I have been on GPUS Committees,
including the Annual Meeting Committee, and currently on the 2008 Platform
Committee. I am also a member of the GPUS Women's Caucus, the Lavender Caucus,
and the Disability Caucus, and bring minority representation to balance the