Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 26th, 2007
Name: Lisa
City: Culver City, CA
County: Los Angeles
Contact information (phone/email)
(310) 559-4037
I Joined the Green Party in 2000 and catapulted into seemingly non-stop outreach
and activism! Myself and a colleague have been dubbed the "tabling queens" of
our local. The last 5 years I have served on the elected steering committee
of my local, the Los Angeles (City) Greens, as the Volunteer Coordinator.
I'm a member of GROW and participate consistently online in the Campaigns/Candidates
and Media Working Groups and have been a delegate at several state plenaries
and gatherings.
Lead organizer of the 2004 Los Angeles Greens Women's History Month event:
Petra Kelly's Legacy, with guest speaker Clare Greensfelder. Assisted in organizing
the Los Angeles Greens Earth Day 2005 event with guest speaker Rex Weyler,
cofounder of Greenpeace International; and the Los Angeles Greens Earth Day
2006 Biofuels event.
Volunteer on campaigns: City Council Campaigns of Denise Munro Robb and Derek
Milosavljevic, Sara Amir, Peter Camejo, Peter Thottam for Assembly. On Staff
of Byron De Lear for Congress, 2006.
I bring a decade of experience in the non-profit sector, as Membership Coordinator
and Training Director of a large community organization, the Los Angeles Macintosh
Provided database support on union campaigns: Organization of Los Angeles Workers,
American Federation of Teachers College Guild, and L.A. County Federation of
Labor. City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County Registrar intermittent employee
administering Early Touchscreen Voting. (Yes, it is good to have a Green in
there as an employee and watching!)
I would like to assist California in making good decisions at the national
level and ask for your support.