Green Party of California

Application for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
(job description)
received March 25th, 2007

Name  -  Michael Rochmes
City - Los Angeles
County  - Los Angeles
Contact information -


I have been a Green Party activist since before I could first register to vote, and have been a Green ever since. I have worked for numerous Green campaigns since 1996 in both Alameda and Los Angeles counties. I have participated in many state plenaries, and was one of the youngest delegates at the Green Party national nominating convention in Denver in 2000. During college I was one of the leaders of the Campus Greens at UC Berkeley, and am currently the facilitator of the Los Angeles (City) Greens local.

Outside of the Green Party, I have experience in journalism, web design, and project management. I am currently a Manager of Marketing Systems at one of the top Internet advertisers in the United States.

While my priority will continue to be to grow the Green Party in Los Angeles, if elected a delegate to the GPUS, I will perform the duties of the role to the best of my ability. I am particularly interested in helping to develop a stronger and more united national party in preparation for the 2008 presidential election.