Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States (alternate
March 25th, 2007
Name - Michael
- Oakland
County - Alameda
Contact information -
My name is Michael Rubin. I am a candidate for another term in the position
of GPUS-CA alternate delegate. I have been registered Green since 2003, but
have been volunteering on Green Party campaigns since Ralph Nader's run in
1996. I am involved at both the Alameda County level and in the Oakland local.
I was a delegate to the Milwaukee convention.
I was a founding member of the Greens for Democracy and Independence which
was my response to the mess in Milwaukee.
I have also been active in the labor movement for more than 30 years. Currently,
I am the Assistant Regional Director for the Bay Area Region of CSEA, Ca. State
Employees Assoc.-S.E.I.U. Local 1000. I'm also a delegate to the Alameda County
Central Labor Council. I would like to bring more union people into the party
and I have some ideas about how to make the party more attractive to them.