Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 26th, 2007
Name - Stuart
- Ventura
County - Ventura
Contact information - (805)
Having been actively involved in the Green Party since January of 2000, I wish
to see the Green Party of California fully represented at the national party
level. I have served as a county councilmember for the Green Party of Ventura
continuously since 2000 and ran for Congress in my local legislative district
in 2004. I
have also served at the state level as the secretary of the GPCA Coordinating
Committee, as GPCA webmaster, and as a co-coordinator of the GPCA GROW Working
Group from 2002 - 2004; and served at the national level as a member of the California
GPUS delegation from 2002 - 2005, as a delegation co-chair from 2003 - 2005,
and on the GPUS Bylaws, Rules, Policies & Procedures Committee during that
same period.
Please accept my application to serve once again as a California
delegate to the Green Party of the United States Steering / Coordination Committee.