Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 22nd, 2007
Name - Tom
- Petaluma
County - Sonoma
Contact information - (707) 658
1) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal
and professional skills within of the Green Party that you have, that apply
to this position.
High Desert Greens local founder
Green Candidate for California Assembly
GPLAC Delegate to GPCA Plenaries
GPLAC Regional Rep/LA to GPCA Coordinating Committee
GPCA Media Committee Coco
GPCA Delegate to GPUS Convention (Milwaukee)
Green Party of Sonoma County Councilperson
2) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal
and professional skills outside of the Green Party that you have, that apply
to this position.
California Teaching Credential
Supervisor of inmate students, San Quentin
3) Please describe your vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including addressing
the job description for GPUS Delegate.
I promise to perform to the best of my ability the delegate duties as described
in the GPCA and GPUS bylaws.