Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
February 3rd, 2008
Name - Ann
City - Santa Rosa
County - Sonoma
Contact information -
I have been a registered member of the Green Party for some eight
years or more. I was an active member of the local Green Party of
Sonoma County for approximately three years: elected as a member
of the Coordinating Council and also served on various committees
(as chair of some) during that time. I attended various plenary meetings,
first in Sacramento, and subsequently as a delegate twice in Southern
California, and once in San Francisco. I have been involved in other
activities recently, not attending the Sonoma County Coordinator
meetings, but maintaining friendly and supportive relations with
those who continue to serve as coordinators and active members. I
still follow the current GPSC news on our local list serves.
My interest is that there be a strong and viable national body, which
will serve to maintain accountability to membership, run a strong
presidential campaign, and assure organizational competence with
the broadest possible unity.