Green Party of California

Application for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
(job description)
received February 6th, 2008

Name  -  Jared Laiti
City -
County - Sacramento
Contact information -
jaredlaiti at

A Green voter since I was eligible to vote, I am committed to the full political independence of the Green Party and strongly believe that we should run the strongest possible campaigns for every office. I
believe that the GPUS must move closer to 'one Green one vote' if it is to become an increasingly powerful political force for grassroots democracy. Likewise, if we hope to change the system we find ourselves in, we must not shy away from questioning it at its root. We must move beyond capitalism if we are to ever live in a world based on our values.

I have been active at all levels of the party, including the Green Party of Sonoma County's County Council, the GPCA Coordinating Committee, and the GPUS National Committee. I served as Co-Coordinator of the GPCA Coordinating Committee. I also belong to the GPUS's Presidential Campaign Support Committee and the Greens for Democracy and Independence. In August 2005 I received a Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum Laude in Political Science With Distinction from Sonoma State University. My senior thesis focused on the role of third parties in recent US history and their potential for future successes.

This past fall I began my studies at University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento. As a result, I am less able to participate than I used to be, and am not able to be on all of the delegation conference calls. However, I am able to remain involved by email to a large degree. And others are encouraging me to seek re-election despite my time constraints. So if you are willing to re-elect me with this understanding, I am willing to continue to serve in the interests of having a strong CA delegation to GPUS. Please re-elect me to the GPCA's delegation to the GPUS so that I can help work to make the GPUS a stronger alternative to the current political system and a living example of our key value of grassroots democracy.