1) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience,
and/or personal and professional skills within of the Green Party
that you have, that apply to this position.
Registered Green since 1992 in NM and since 2007 in California; Former
National Committee Delegate for the New Mexico Green Party, 2004-2007;
former member Eco-Action Committee; co-chair Bernalillo County Green
Party, Green Council member NMGP; GDI member; NM Green Delegate National
Meeting- Tucson observer at Tulsa National Meeting; requested to
be a committed delegate for Cynthia McKinney for President at the
Nominating Convention
2) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience,
and/or personal and professional skills outside of the Green Party
that you have, that apply to this position.
Vice-President Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly; alternate representative of
Urban Users on the MRGWA; Steering Committee member representing the NMGP on
the NM Drug Policy Coalition, member Committee of Prison Accountability, contributing
writer for Kurdish Aspect; contributor to OpEdNews.com, adopted relative through
ceremony of Native American two spirit, enrolled Wind River Shoshone.
3) Please describe your vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including
addressing the job description for GPUS Delegate.
An NC Delegate from California needs to represent the concerns of California
Greens within the National Committee both organizationally and politically;
an NC delegate needs to recognize the decisions of the leadership bodies of
the GPCA; an NC member needs to maintain the necessary decorum within the NC
to address resolutions and proposals, sponsor them as directed by the state
Green Party and make proposals that can be reviewed by state and county bodies
of the party; an NC member needs to support the campaign efforts of the Presidential
nominee as determined by the nominating convention of the GPUS, an NC representative
needs to assure adequate representation of the needs and concerns of California
Greens internally and increase the financial viability and organizational integrity
of the GPUS, an NC delegate needs to work with other California state delegates
in addressing proposals and resolutions before the NC; an NC delegate needs
to communicate with other delegates in the review and evaluation of actions
before the NC in a professional manner that upholds the integrity of the decision-making
process; an NC delegate represents his or her own views in such a way as to
promote unity while forthrightly representing GPCA and not sacrificing the
ethical responsibility for my own individual accountability in upholding the
Ten Key Values and an NC delegate needs to respect divergent views within the
GPCA and the National Committee.