Green Party of California
for Alternate, Delegation to Green Party of the United States (alternate
March 15th, 2009
Name - Béa
Tomaselli Tiritilli
County - Orange County
Contact information -
If GPCA can't find anyone else to serve as an alternate delegate, I'll do it.
Frankly, I think we should spend most of our time on local campaigns, but I
do see merit in maintaining GPUS.
I believe I am qualified because:
I've been a registered Green for nearly two decades, and an active Green for
nearly half that time
I've served as a GPOC councilmember since 2005
I ran for Congress as a Green in a special election later that same year
I've served as a delgate for GPCA Assemblies three times
In addition to the Greens, I have served in leadership roles in several orgs.,
including the Sierra Club, two progressive charter-school boards, my neighborhood
association board, two orphan-advocacy groups, and other non-profits