Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 11th, 2009
Name - Bill
- Point Arena
County - Humboldt
Contact information - 707-882-1818;
I reside in Mendocino County, where I have been active in the local Green Party.
This includes attempts to get Green Party members elected to office. I first
registered Green in 2001.
I served on the Point Arena School Board from 2000 until 2008, including 2
years as board chairperson.
I have served as a delegate to the National Committee a couple of times already,
so I am familiar with the responsiblities involved.
I have at times been active with the Green Party of California, for instance
acting as a facilitator and serving on the Personnel Committee.
I am a professional writer; most of my income comes from freelance technical
editorial work. My political works include A Brief History of the Democratic
Party and Santa Clara Blues: Corporate Personhood versus Democracy.
I know that the Democratic and Republican Parties are war crimes organizations.
I know both represent a ruling class in the United States that has almost no
common interests with working people. To the extent we should work through
the currently structured representative democracy, I believe the Green Party
is the most viable alternative to the ruling class parties.
I don't think my vision is very different from most people who are active in
the Green Party. I know being on the National Committee is not glamorous. It
is mostly grunt work.
2009-2010 are years in which the American people are likely to see the true
nature of the Democratic Party. I hope we can show them that the Green Party
is a viable alternative for hope and change.