Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 12th, 2009
Name - Kate
- Oakland
County - Alameda
Contact information - 510-839-4767
I became a Green in 1992 and my first involvment with the Green Party was
to register new Greens in San Mateo County in order to help achieve ballot
I moved to Alameda County in 1998 and by 2000 was heavily involved in three
Green campaigns: Ralph Nader, Medea Benjamin and Rebecca Kaplan. Soon thereafter
I ran for the Alameda County Council and have served continuously there and
am in my third term. I have learned more about the party in the years since
then as a regular delegate to state plenaries.
My focus has generally been on outreach attempts of several kinds: tabling,
voter registration, monthly Green Party meetings open to the public, participation
in local progressive efforts. I am committed to an independent Green Party
and while I support the notion of working with non Greens on issues I strongly
oppose endorsement of Democratic or other corporate candidates. I also believe
that California should have strong representation to the national party, so
I am applying to be a delegate.