Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
March 10th, 2009
Name - Sara
- Los Angeles
County - Los Angeles
Contact information -
I have been a registered Green since the Green Party became a political
party in California. I was the Green Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor
in 1998, receiving a quarter of a million votes and a candidate for the 42nd
State Assembly District in 2000 receiving 10% of the votes in a largely Democratic
Twenty five (25) years of working for the California Environmental Protection
Agency has given me experience in understanding legislation, administration
and negotiation.
I was born and educated in Iran, earned a B.S. degree in Biology from the University
of Tehran and a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University
of Southern California. Upon returning to Tehran after graduation, I worked
to promote democracy and women's rights under the newly formed Islamic Republic
of Iran. I returned to the US in 1981 when conditions became intolerable for
many activists and intellectuals, and started a new life in California.
I was elected to the KPFK Local Station Board in 2003, and have been the CAL/EPA
designee on the Baldwin Hills Conservancy Board since 2000.
I strongly believe in the 4 pillars of the Green Party and committed to the
10 key values. I also believe that we have a tremendous opportunity to positively
affect the Green Evolution/Revolution.