Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
July 30th, 2009
Name - Genevieve
City - Los Angeles
County - Los Angeles
Contact information - 323-938-4585
Participated in Green Party forming CoC meetings locally and statewide
starting around 1985.
Worked to achieve GPCA ballot status and joined the party.
Participated in writing and editing the first GPCA Platform.
Served on the first state Coordinating Committee and the first Los
County Council as well as several since.
-Was coordinator of the Internal Communications committee, which
at the time consisted of pleading with Greens to get online and instructing
them in how to do so.
-Managed the first statewide forums on PeaceNet.
-Served on the Outreach Committee and the Women’s Caucus.
-Was a delegate to the first Global Green conference in Brazil in
-Have been a member of the state and national Women’s Caucus
since their inception.
-Was a delegate to the national conventions in Los Angeles, Colorado
and Milwaukee (was a member of Peter Camejo’s delegation.).
-Had an active role on the state plenary planning committee in Los
Angeles, 1996.
-Campaigned for numerous Green candidates at all levels.
-Participate in IRV and CF Reform efforts.
Prior experience:
1) Was an author and editor of several newsletters, two books,
and numerous articles on
*Contemporary Music
*Telecommunications in Education
* Social and Environmental Problem Solving
* Equality and Power in Relationships
* Creating a Virtual L.A.
2) Ran for Co-Governor of California on a proto-Green platform
and promoting the idea that all elected offices should be gender-balanced.
3) Serve as Co-President and research director for Experimental
Cities, Inc., a nonprofit organization created in 1971 to seek
positive alternatives
to social and environmental problems in cities. Many of the concepts
formulated there can be found in the Green Party.
ECI is currently organizing demonstration projects to test a means
of expanding the use of wind energy to low wind areas.
My hope for the GP is that it will provide a viable alternative
to the
existing structure; one that will make sense to enough people to
save the planet and ourselves.