Green Party of California
for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
February 28, 2011
Name - Akio
- Oakland
County - Alameda
Contact information - (510)
1) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal
and professional skills within of the Green Party that you have, that apply to
this position.
Registered Green in California since 2002;
Green Party of Alameda County Councilor
Matt Gonzalez, San Francisco Mayoral campaign- volunteer
Peter Camejo, California Gubernatorial campaign- volunteer
Aimee Allison, Oakland City Council campaign-volunteer, fundraiser host
2008 Green Party Presidential Debate in San Francisco- volunteer
2008 Green Party Convention in Chicago - delegate
2) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal
and professional skills outside of the Green Party that you have, that apply
to this position.
Listener Delegate to the Pacifica-KPFA Local Station Board since 2006
Organizer of Oakland’s Oak-to-Ninth Referendum Petition Drive to reverse
a City Council Development Ordinance.
3) Please describe your vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including addressing
the job description for GPUS Delegate.
We should work for electoral reform especially Public Financing of elections.