Green Party of California
for Alternate, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
February 27, 2011
Name - Torger
City - Oakland
County - Alameda
Contact information:
Hello, the Green Party has been my party since around 1992.
Since moving to Alameda County in 1998 I have become more active during
elections, walking precincts and making phone calls. More recently
I worked on Green Party member, Don Macleay's campaign for mayor here
in Oakland. Since then I have joined a newly formed outreach and communications
committee to restart the Oakland Greens. Our plan is to grow the party
through outreach and voter registration, hopefully also increasing
involvement of those currently Green identified. My party connections
and support at the county level are good but I am not currently active
at the state or national level. I have participated in my union as
a shop steward and I am active in meetings as an adult advisor with
a Unitarian Universalist youth group (they are really smart so I don't
have to do all that much!).
With the current balloting system in California we will need to redouble our
efforts to promote and sustain the California Green Party. I hope I can help
in some small way by involving myself as an alternate. I look forward to the
teleconferences and other duties.