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Help us work for peace

Since the end of World War II, the No. 1 priority of Republican and Democratic Congresses has been to fund the Pentagon. But, that is bankrupting our country, strangling our communities and making us less safe.

The front side of the card at the right (www.notmypriorities.org) was the central message of my campaign for Congress last year in portions of San Francisco and San Mateo counties. And, in two years of campaigning, virtually every single person I met agreed: Not My Priorities! was their priority.

Yet, our representatives in Congress (including a large majority of the California delegation) vote nearly unanimously to fund the Pentagon.

Republican and Democratic legislators may disagree on everything else, but when it comes to funding the Pentagon, they stand united about spending more and more taxpayer dollars for defense.

Where is the debate? How much do we need to spend to defend ourselves? In 2008, the Pentagon budget was "only" $460 Billion. This year, it is $542 Billion. In fact, President Obama asked for ANOTHER $84 BILLION for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This is why those of us in the Green Party of California need your help desperately. We are the lone voice of a national political party that is in total agreement with the people: war is NOT our priority.

Our California Congressional delegation - consisting of both Democrats and Republicans _ has to be challenged. I did that last year, and as our Party of Greens gets stronger, the voters will see that our priorities are their priorities.

Greens are having a major impact every day. Our grassroots activists up and down the state organize and participate in actions to stop the war, save our environment, protect the rights of all peoples…fighting daily for social justice.

Help us make a difference for peace. Go to www.cagreens.org and contribute your time, your energy and your money. Thank you.


Barry Hermanson

Green Party of California / Former Congressional Candidate

To obtain postcards like this to distribute in your community, and mail to President Obama and California members of Congress, write barry@barryhermanson.org. Let him know how many of the cards you would like sent to you. Thank you.