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GPCA Common Password

The GPCA web site has several "internal" pages that require a common user ID and password, and the same ID and password works on all internal pages. This password is changed anually after the first General Assembly of the year.

If you need the ID and password you should contact your county council members, or any other active Green who you know that might have the password.

Why We Need a Password

We implemented password protected pages for several reasons:

  • To keep search engines from finding our internal business.
  • We want the public to find those pages that we've designed with the information that the public is looking for.
  • There is internal business that should not be publicly accessible. We don't want our political opponents seeing our electoral strategies. We don't want reporters with malicious intent copying candid statements out of some committee meeting minutes. We don't want draft documents (those not yet approved) circulating in the public domain.

Access and Security

This is low-level security. As mentioned, the main reasons are to keep search engines at bay and to provide a minimal barrier to those who shouldn't have ready access to our internal business. Feel free to share the password with any active Green who has a need or interest in the information on the internal pages. But do act responsibly and honor the intent of this process. PLEASE follow these basic security guidelines:

  1. The best way to give the password is verbally or on paper.
  2. DO NOT send the password to an email list. Most lists are archived, and those archives can be searched by various internet thieving devices.
  3. Sending the password by email to individuals is not recommended. If you find it necessary to do so, DO NOT include the word "password" anywhere in the message or on the subject line. There are sniffers that monitor internet traffic searching for that word.

Password Change Policy

The common password is changed anually after the first General Assembly of the year. The user ID remains the same, just the password changes.

For this annual password change, we will use the scheme of increasing by one the number in password.

The new password will be distributed in the agenda packet and announced at the plenary sessions of the General Assembly. The Coordinating Committee, Standing Committee and Working Group coordinators, and county contacts will be informed when the new password is implemented.

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