Coordinating committee Internal Procedures - January 28-29, 2012

Table of Contents

Article I Co-Coordinators (approved February 2001, amended January 2, 2012)
Article II Work Plan and Long Term Agenda Planning (approved January 28, 2012)
Article III Meetings  (approved January 28, 2012)
Article IV On-Line Proposals (approved September 12, 2011)
Article V Liaisons to Standing Committees and Working Groups (approved September 12, 2011)
Article VI Appointments to Standing Committees of the General Assembly (approved September 12, 2011)
Article VII State Meeting Planning Committee (approved January 28, 2012)
Article VIII Personnel Committee (approved September 12, 2011)
Article IX Strategy Committee (approved January 28, 2012)

Article I: Co-Coordinators

Section 1-1: Number and term

1-1.1 As per GPCA Bylaws 6-1.9, all GPCA Standing Committees shall have two Co-coordinators, including the Coordinating Committee. This Article establishes that for the Coordinating Committee, there shall be a male and a female Co-coordinator and in a supporting role, a male and female alternate Co-coordinator.

1-1.2 Co-coordinators and alternates shall serve two year terms, with no term limits. Terms shall run from February of even-numbered years for the male Co-coordinator and male alternate, and from February in odd-numbered years for the female Co-coordinator and female alternate, except if the Coordinating Committee schedules a face-to-face retreat in January of each year, it may choose its co-coordinators at the retreat and the terms shall begin and/or end at the retreat upon election.

1-1.3 Alternates do not permanently assume the position of Co-coordinator if a Co-coordinator vacancy occurs. Rather, the alternate fulfills the duties and authority of Co-coordinator until the vacancy is filled as per 1-5.

Section 1-2: Duties and Authority

The Co-coordinators shall facilitate the operations of the Coordinating Committee and be in sufficient contact with the other Co-coordinator to accomplish this task. Alternate Co-coordinators shall assist the Co-Coordinators with their duties and responsibilities, which are to:

1-2.1 Create draft agendas for Coordinating Committee meetings, according to the process described in 2-1;

1-2.2 Serve as administrators for Coordinating Committee email lists and maintain an accurate Coordinating Committee roster, exclusively or in conjunction with others designated by the Co-coordinators and/or the Coordinating Committee;

1-2.3 Monitor and facilitate the Coordinating Committee email list to help the flow of information and to maintain a working decorum among Coordinating Committee members.

1-2.4 Respond to general inquiries from Coordinating Committee members regarding policies, rules and procedures.

1-2.5 Provide welcome and orientation to new Coordinating Committee members;

1-2.6 Update the Coordinating Committee web pages, exclusively or in conjunction with others designated by the Co-coordinators and/or the Coordinating Committee;

1-2.7 Conduct new delegate orientation at GPCA plenaries, exclusively or in conjunction with others designated by the Co-coordinators and/or the Coordinating Committee;

1-2.8 Communicate on behalf of the Coordinating Committee with the GPCA Liaison to the Secretary of State, GPCA Spokespersons and the Co-coordinators of Standing Committees and Working Groups;

1-2.9 Ensure that Coordinating Committee actions are in accordance with GPCA Bylaws and Rules and Procedures, and the Rules and Procedures of the Coordinating Committee;

1-2.10 Facilitate Coordinating Committee on-line voting according to Article III;

1-2.11 Maintain an updated Coordinating Committee task list and contact Coordinating Committee members for updates on task progress and completion.

Section 1-3: Nominations

1-3.1 Nominations for Co-coordinators and alternate Co-coordinators shall open on the first Monday of January. Nominations may be made by any Coordinating Committee member, including the candidate. Nominations shall be considered made when posted to the Coordinating Committee email list. Nominations shall be considered accepted when posted as such to the Coordinating Committee email list by the candidate. Self-nominations shall be considered accepted when made. Nominations may be made and accepted for the same person for both Co-coordinator and alternate Co-coordinator.

1-3.2 Where the election will be held during the Coordinating Committee retreat, the nomination period shall close three days before the commencement of the retreat, such that if the retreat begins on a Saturday, nominations shall close at midnight on the preceding Tuesday. Where the election will be held on a Coordinating Committee teleconference, nominations shall close at midnight two days before the teleconference, such that if the teleconference is held on a Monday, nominations shall close at midnight on the preceding Friday.

1-3.3 Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit a candidate statement to the Coordinating Committee email list, no later than the commencement of the discussion period. The statement should address performance of the position sought, as its duties and responsibilities are defined in this Article, and contain a biography of relevant experiences. Candidates are encouraged to submit video material in support of their candidacy.

Section 1-4: Elections

1-4.1 Co-coordinators shall be elected either in person at Coordinating Committee retreat in either January or February via the process described in 1-4.2 or via a CC teleconference at the first Coordinating Committee teleconference in February via the process described in 1-4.3.

1-4.2 Co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee retreat

1-4.2(a) Each candidate shall have the opportunity to make a three minute candidate statement. If any candidate is not in attendance, the candidate may either submit a written statement or make their statement via skype, speaker phone or other similar means. After candidates have made their statements, then there shall be a call for questions, concerns and affirmations, after which candidates may addresses concerns. After this, Coordinating Committee members may discuss the candidates among themselves before the vote commences. Voting shall be by instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. All Coordinating Committee members may cast votes, with those not in physical presence able to send in their votes by email, skype or speaker phone. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

1-4.3 Co-coordinator election via teleconference

1-4.3(a) If there is only one candidate, the candidate shall make their statement, then there shall be a call for questions, concerns and affirmations, after which the candidate may addresses concerns. Then shall commence a three day voting period through midnight the ensuing Thursday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

1-4.3(b) If there is more than one candidate, each shall make their statement, then there shall be call for questions and concerns, after which the candidates addresses concerns. Then shall commence a six day voting period through midnight, the ensuing Sunday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

1-4.4 Alternate co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee retreat

After the above election process described in 1-4.2 is completed for the Co-coordinators, the same process shall be conducted for alternate Co-coordinators.

1-4.5 Alternate co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee teleconference

After the candidate statements and questions, concerns and affirmations are made for candidates for Co-coordinator, the same process will be held for candidates for alternate Co-coordinator. Once the election is completed for Co-coordinator, an on-line election shall commence for alternate Co-coordinator.

1-4.5(a) If there is only one candidate, on the following Monday shall commence a three-day voting period through midnight, the ensuing Wednesday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

1-4.5(b) If there is more than one candidate, on the following Monday shall commence a six-day above election process through midnight, the ensuing Saturday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

Section 1-5: Vacancies

1-5.1 A Co-coordinator vacancy shall exist whenever a Co-coordinator has submitted a written statement of resignation, is recalled as Co-coordinator by the Coordinating Committee; is recalled from the Coordinating Committee by the electing body to the Coordinating Committee, is no longer registered in the district from which he or she was elected (in the case of regionally elected seats); is no longer registered Green; or misses three consecutive General Assemblies or regular Coordinating Committee meetings without appointing a qualified alternate as per GPCA Bylaws 6-3.1(d).

1-5.2 Upon a vacancy occurring, there shall be a call for nominations within three days of the vacancy occurring. The period for nominations shall last for at least seven days and an election process at per 1-4 shall be conducted at the next regular Coordinating Committee meeting. 

Article II Work Plan and Long Term Agenda Planning

Section 2-1 Work Plan

On an annual basis by the end of January each year, the Coordinating Committee shall prepare a yearly work plan along with any budget requests, in order to comply with GPCA Bylaws 6-2.1, which states "Each Committee and Working Group shall prepare a yearly work plan to be submitted to the Coordinating Committee along with any budget requests. The work plan must identify the objectives of the group for that fiscal year, any proposals it foresees bringing before the General Assembly, and a projected timeline for the group’s activities. The stated objectives must be congruent with the group's charge as defined in these bylaws and the goals and strategies of the GPCA."

Section 2-2 Long Term Agenda Planning

On an annual basis, the Coordinating Committee shall create a draft schedule for Coordinating Committee meetings, agenda items and on-line votes, based upon the timelines needed to fulfill the Coordinating Committee's responsibilities regarding General Assembly planning, committee appointments, liaisons appointments and other Coordinating Committee responsibilities contained in GPCA Bylaws and Rules and Procedures, as well as any other tasks identified in the yearly work plan. The draft schedule shall guide, but not mandate, individual agenda planning, except when legal or bylaws deadlines must be met.

Article III Meetings

Section 3-1 Regular Meetings

For the purposes of complying with GPCA Bylaws 7-1.3, which state that "Regular meetings of the CC shall be held at least once a month, in person or by teleconference. Date and location of the next regular meeting shall be determined at the close of each meeting or, failing this, shall be determined by the CC coordinators and announced with at least 20 days notice", the Coordinating Committee adopts the following:

3-1.1 Regular monthly meetings of the Coordinating Committee shall be held on the first Monday of each month, with three exceptions: (a) If there is a conflict with a national holiday; (b) if the meeting would occur on the night before a statewide election (primary, general or special), or (c) if it would occur the day after a General Assembly has concluded. In these cases, the regular monthly meetings of the Coordinating Committee may be rescheduled with at least 20 days notice, and the Coordinating Committee is encouraged to do so on an annual basis when these exceptions are easily anticipated.

3-1.2 Regular monthly meetings shall be for two hours.

Section 3-2 Special Meetings

For the purposes of complying with GPCA Bylaws 7-1.3, which state that "a special (or emergency) meeting may be called with at least one week notice by the CC coordinators or a majority of the CC", and that all decisions made at a special meeting shall require 80% approval and that quorum shall be 2/3, the Coordinating Committee adopts the policy that special meeting agendas must be published at the same time that the meeting itself is called.

Section 3-3 Draft Meeting Agendas

3-3.1 For each Coordinating Committee meeting, a draft agenda shall be published that shall include those items for the Coordinating Committee to fulfill its duties and authority under GPCA Bylaws and Rules and Procedures. Additional items may be submitted by individual Coordinating Committee members. Only Coordinating Committee members may submit agenda items.

3-3.2 For its regular monthly meetings, agenda items must be sent to the Coordinating Committee email list at least 14 days beforehand. Items sent after 14 days may be added by the Coordinating Committee at the meeting by consensus or a 2/3 vote during the agenda approval process, but can not be included in the draft agenda.

3-3.3 When submitted, agenda items submitted shall include whether it is a decision-making or discussion item or a report, a title and brief description, who are the anticipated presenter(s) and how much time is requested. If the item is a decision-making item, it should be submitted in the format specified in 3-4. While it is not always possible to present a proposal fully in advance of a meeting, sponsors are strongly encouraged to submit as much specificity about decision-making items in advance as possible and to provide supportive documents or references where needed.

3-3.4 Agenda items shall be ordered and assigned times by the Co-Coordinators. Facilitators, time keepers and vibes watchers shall be assigned by the Co-Coordinators as part of the agenda. Agenda items that were submitted on time but not included in the draft agenda shall be listed separately at the end of the agenda, with a brief explanation why they were not included.

3-3.5 A draft agenda shall be published seven days before the meeting, to the Coordinating Committee email list and to the password accessible Coordinating Committee meetings web page. In response to Coordinating Committee member feedback, the Co-Coordinators may revise the agenda and if so, shall publish a revised draft agenda no later than 72 hours before the meeting. During this time, sponsors of agenda items are strongly encouraged to send any remaining information about their item that may not have been available at the 14 day submission deadline.

3-4 Proposal Format

Proposals to the Coordinating Committee shall be submitted in this format, with 3-4.5 and 3-4.6 optional as needed:

3-4.1 Subject/Title:

3-4.2 Co-sponsors):

3-4.3 Background and Purpose:

3-4.4 Proposal:

3-4.5 Implementation/Timeline/Resources:

3-4.6 References:

Section 3-5 Quorum

Quorum for CC meetings shall be a simple majority of seated members, according to the proposal passed by the General Assembly in October 2009 (

Section 3-6 Agenda Approval

3-6.1 The agenda shall be approved by a simple majority vote, except that requests to enter Executive Session shall be considered separately as per 3-8.

3-6.2 All proposed amendments to the agenda should be sent to the Coordinating Committee email list as soon as possible after the release of the draft agenda in order to facilitate the timely consideration of any amendments. At the beginning of each meeting as part of the agenda approval process, the Coordinating Committee may amend the agenda as follows:

3-6.2(a) Revise the order and timing of items and/or change facilitators, time keepers or vibes watchers by consensus or a 3/5 vote;

3-6.2(b) Add new agenda items by consensus or a 2/3 vote. Items proposed to be added that were not submitted by the 14-day submission deadline in should be of an urgent and unexpected nature to warrant consideration after the submittal deadline.

Section 3-7 Consensus-Seeking

3-7.1 Proposal sponsors shall be called upon first by the facilitator to present their proposals. Facilitators shall then call for clarifying questions and give the sponsors the opportunity to respond, then call for concerns and affirmations and give the sponsors the opportunity to respond.

3-7.2 Once the process in 3-7.1 has occurred, the facilitator shall ask whether there are any outstanding concerns. If not, the facilitator shall announce that there is consensus. If there are outstanding concerns, the facilitator shall ask whether the person(s) holding them are willing to stand aside. If yes, their stated concern will be be recorded in the minutes and the facilitator shall announce that there is consensus. If no, the sponsor may then ask for a vote or withdraw the proposal. If the proposal goes to a vote, the facilitator shall ask the minutes taker to call the roll. Roll call shall occur in alternate alphabetical order of Coordinating Committee members' last names with each vote.

Section 3-8 Minutes

3-8.1 Minutes of Coordinating Committee meetings shall consist of the date, time, location (where applicable) and attendance (including when leaving call), any modifications to the agenda, agenda items heard, decisions-taken (including who voted for, against or stood aside) and the text of all proposals, including amendments.

3-8.2 The minutes-taker shall publish the Draft Minutes to the Coordinating Committee email list within 48 hours of the conclusion of the meeting. Coordinating Committee members may post proposed revisions to the Coordinating Committee email list. The minutes-taker shall make a good faith effort to incorporate proposed revisions ensure the most factually accurate minutes before submitting them for approval to the Coordinating Committee.

3-8.3 Within one week of the meeting in question, the draft minutes including any revisions shall be posted to the password accessible Coordinating Committee meetings web page and be labelled 'draft' until approved as in 3-8.4.

3-8.4 Draft Minutes shall be submitted for approval at the next regular Coordinating Committee meeting. There shall first be a test for consensus and if consensus does not exist, the Coordinating Committee shall approve the agenda by a majority vote.

3-8.5 Approved minutes shall be posted to the Coordinating Committee email list and the password accessible Coordinating Committee meetings web page.

Section 3-9 Executive Session

3-9.1 The Coordinating Committee may go into Executive Session only for personnel matters, sensitive legal and financial matters in which the Party itself is involved in actual or potential legal proceedings, sensitive conversations concerning Green candidates or elected officials, and when dealing with proprietary information of vendors and contractors. No other circumstances are appropriate for Executive Session. Only Coordinating Committee members and persons invited by the Coordinating Committee whose participation is necessary to address the agenda item are allowed to participate.

3-9.2 When an item proposed for Executive Session is called on the agenda, it shall first require consensus or a 2/3 vote to enter Executive Session. Once Executive Session has begun, if at least twenty percent of the Coordinating Committee members present believe that the discussion is entering areas that are inappropriate for Executive Session as per 3-9.1, they may ask for a vote and 2/3 is required to remain in Executive Session.

3-9.3 Agenda item for which Executive Session is denied or permission withdrawn as per 3-9.2 may be heard in open session, but only within the limits of what may be discussed outside of Executive Session, as per 3-9.1.

3-9.4 Minutes of all Executive Session shall include the time of entering and exiting Executive Session, those present and a general summary of topics discussed, without including specific information precluded under 3-9.1. Decisions made in Executive Session shall be reported in the Coordinating Committee minutes, subject to any legal limitations on disclosure.



Article IV On-Line Proposals

4-1 Purpose

The Coordinating Committee may make on-line decisions about proposals via the process described in this Article. The same standards for quorum and approval threshold apply as with other Coordinating Committee decision making, except as provided for in 4-4. Use of on-line decision making is restricted to:

4-1.1 When a proposal has been discussed first at a regular Coordinating Committee meeting and a decision is taken by majority vote to put the item to an on-line vote. In these cases the Coordinating Committee may direct that either the voting period shall begin upon conclusion of the meeting and run through the upcoming Sunday at midnight, or the discussion period shall continue through the upcoming Sunday at midnight, after which there shall be be a week for voting.

4-1.2 When a proposal has been scheduled as part of the Coordinating Committee's annual draft schedule as per 2-2.2. In these cases, there shall be one week discussion, beginning on a Monday and ending at midnight on Sunday followed by one week of voting commencing immediately thereafter, ending at midnight the following Sunday;

4-1.3 When there is a need to meet legal and/or internal party deadlines, or to otherwise effectuate the Coordinating Committee's ability to meet and perform its duties and responsibilities in a timely manner not possible by waiting until the next teleconference or face to face meeting. In these cases, there shall be one week discussion, beginning on a Monday and ending at midnight on Sunday and one week of voting commencing immediately thereafter, ending at midnight the following Sunday.

4-1.4 When there is a need to make an expedited decision in a compressed time period not possible under 4-1.14-1.2 or 4-1.3. In these cases, the Coordinating Committee may act under 4-4.

4-2 Posting

All proposals shall be posted with "ONLINE VOTE: [TITLE]" in the subject header of the email and shall be in the format described in 3-4.

4-3 Discussion

Although on-line discussion may not afford the same responsive nature as that envisioned for live meetings of the Coordinating Committee in Section 2-5 Consensus-Seeking, the purpose of the discussion period shall be for:

4-3.1 Hearing and responding to clarifying questions;

4-3.2 Hearing concerns and affirmations and hearing responding to concerns;

4-3.3 Considering and accepting amendments.

If a proposal is amended during the discussion period, it shall be reposted as amended before the voting period commences. The sponsors of a proposal may also chose to withdraw the proposal before the discussion period concludes, but may not do so once the voting period commences.

4-4 Expedited Proposals

When a decision can only be made within a compressed time period to respond to pressing legal, financial or political deadlines, the Coordinating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours if it achieves a 2/3 quorum and an approval threshold of 80%. In such cases, the proposal shall be posted as "48 HOUR ONLINE VOTE: [TITLE]" in the subject header of the email and shall be in the format described in 3-4.

Article V Liaisons to Standing Committees and Working Groups

5-1 Duties

As per GPCA Bylaws 6-1.8, each committee and working group shall be assigned a Coordinating Committee Liaison, who will serve as a voting, ex-officio member of that committee or working group. The Liaison is charged with facilitating communications between the committee or working group and the Coordinating Committee. Liaisons appointed to Committees also serve as one of the Committee co-coordinators.

5-2 Term

The Liaison shall serve for as long as they are on the Coordinating Committee or two years, whichever is less. Upon the Liaison's term ending on the Coordinating Committee or upon two years, the Liaison position shall be considered vacant and a new appointment process shall commence. There are no term limits on the Liaison position.

5-3 Appointment

5-3.1 The Coordinating Committee shall fill open Liaison seats on an annual basis and/or whenever vacancies occur.

5-3.2 If there is only one candidate for Liaison, the Coordinating Committee shall first test for consensus. If consensus exists, the candidate shall be considered appointed. Where there is not consensus, there shall commence a three day voting period through midnight the ensuing Thursday. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

5-4 Recall

A Liaison may be recalled by a 2/3 vote of the Coordinating Committee. A proposal for recall must be co-sponsored by 1/3 of the Coordinating Committee to be placed before the Coordinating Committee for a vote.

Article VI Appointments to Standing Committees

6-1 Notice of vacancy

In order to meet its noticing requirement under GPCA Bylaws 6-1.4, the Coordinating Committee shall send a notice of vacancy of standing committee seats at least twice a year, once in the second week of November and once in the second week of June. Notice shall include the number of seats open on each committee, a link to the committee's home page and the eligibility, the appointment criteria in 6-2 and 6-3 and the appointment process in 6-4.

6-2 Eligibility

All candidates must submit a written request to the Coordinating Committee seeking appointment to the standing committee and to demonstrate compliance with GPCA Bylaws 6-1.4, which states that all applicants must have "attended at least one General Assembly within the last five", the request shall include a statement of which General Assemblies the candidate attended.

6-3 Criteria

When considering appointments to standing committees under GPCA Bylaws 6-1.4, the Coordinating Committee shall consider the following for each candidate:

6-3.1 Their working knowledge of GPCA bylaws and operating procedures;

6-3.2 Criteria drafted by the standing committee;

6-3.3 Input and nominations of the standing committee membership and co-coordinators;

6-3.4 Input and nominations submitted by active counties or Coordinating Committee members; and

6-3.5 Biographies and candidate statements presented by the candidate.

6-4 Appointment

If there are as many or fewer candidates than open seats, the Coordinating Committee shall first test for consensus on the full list of candidates. If consensus exists, then all candidates shall be considered appointed. Where there is not consensus, or where there are more candidates than there are open seats, there shall commence a six day voting period through midnight, the ensuing Sunday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Candidates shall be appointed by ranked choice voting, per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.8. As a further test, after the ranked choice vote is tabulated, a candidate must also be ranked on at least 40% of the ballots to be appointed. Both thresholds must be met for the appointment to occur.

6-5 Recall

A committee member may be recalled by a 2/3 vote of the Coordinating Committee. A proposal for recall must be co-sponsored by 1/3 of the Coordinating Committee to be placed before the Coordinating Committee for a vote.

Article VII State Meeting Planning Committee

7-1 Duties and Authority

The State Meeting Planning Committee is a sub-committee of the Coordinating Committee, charged with general supervision of planning and preparations necessary for conducting GPCA General Assemblies and Gatherings, including to:

7-1.1 Work with the host committee to identify a venue and stage a meeting in a manner consistent with the Ten Key Values, from supporting green, community-based institutions and workers, to ecological practices in conducting the meeting, to providing healthy vegetarian and vegan food for attendees.

7-1.2 Work with the host committee to provide logistical details for inclusion in the agenda packet;

7-1.3 Propose a draft agenda to the Coordinating Committee for inclusion in the agenda packet;

7-1.4 Propose facilitators to the Coordinating Committee for inclusion in the agenda packet;

7-1.5 Propose minutes-taker(s) to the Coordinating Committee for approval for all General Assembly sessions; and prior to the commencement of minutes-taking, ensure that minutes-taker(s) are provided the text of the table of contents and all proposals in the draft agenda packet in electronic form. Provide support to the minutes-taker(s) to ensure the draft minutes are produced on-time;

7-1.6 Ensure a video recording is made of the General Assembly;

7-1.7 Work with the host committee and the Finance Committee to provide a post-meeting financial report for each General Assembly and Gathering;

7-1.8 Produce a Post Assembly Report within a week of the conclusion of each General Assembly, containing the date and location of the next state meeting (if one has been scheduled), the agenda submittal deadline, a description the agenda submittal process and a general summary of decisions made at the just concluded General Assembly.

7-2 Membership

7-2.1 The State Meeting Planning Committee shall be composed of up to 12 members, with no more than six Coordinating Committee members at any time, each serving one year terms, with six members appointed for terms beginning July 1st and January 1st.

7-2.2 All GPCA members are eligible for appointment, although attendance at a prior General Assembly is desired. Additional volunteers may be invited by the committee.

7-3 Appointment

7-3.1 If there are as many or fewer candidates than open seats, the Coordinating Committee shall first test for consensus on the full list of candidates. If consensus exists, then all candidates shall be considered appointed. Where there is not consensus, or where there are more candidates than there are open seats, candidates shall be appointed by ranked choice voting, per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.8.

Article VII Personnel Committee

8-1 Duties and Authority

The Personnel Committee is a sub-committee of the Coordinating Committee, charged with implementing the GPCA Personnel Policy as approved by the General Assembly in May 2003 ( and with proposing amendments to the Personnel Policy.

8-2 Membership

The Personnel Committee shall be composed of six members appointed by the Coordinating Committee, each serving two year terms, with three members appointed annually and with appointments to occur in January of each year.

8-3 Appointment

8-3.1 If there are as many or fewer candidates than open seats, the Coordinating Committee shall first test for consensus on the full list of candidates. If consensus exists, then all candidates shall be considered appointed. Where there is not consensus, or where there are more candidates than there are open seats, candidates shall be appointed by ranked choice voting, per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.8.

Article IX Strategy Committee

9-1 Duties and Authority

The Strategy Committee is a sub-committee of the Coordinating Committee, charged with facilitating the Coordinating Committee's role in GPCA Bylaws 7-1.13 Strategic Plan, including to:

9-1.1 Prepare an annual draft two-year work plan for the GPCA by using the individual work plans from the Working Groups and Standing Committees (as described in GPUS Bylaws 6-2.1 Work Plan), relevant information regarding election cycles and other deadlines affecting the GPCA from the state of California and the U.S. Government, internal deadlines of the GPCA, and deadlines of the Green Party of the United States affecting the GPCA;

9-1.2 Prepare and facilitate an annual General Assembly strategic planning brainstorming session, including a review of the draft two-year schedule described in 9-1.1;

9-1.3 Propose a revised draft two-year work plan for approval by the General Assembly at the same meeting at which the budget is approved, including identifying potential agenda items for upcoming General Assemblies and Gatherings over a two-year period.

9-2 Membership

The Strategy Committee shall be composed of six members appointed by the Coordinating Committee, each serving two year terms, with three members appointed each year and appointments to occur in the third quarter of each year.

9-3 Appointment

9-3.1 If there are as many or fewer candidates than open seats, the Coordinating Committee shall first test for consensus on the full list of candidates. If consensus exists, then all candidates shall be considered appointed. Where there is not consensus, or where there are more candidates than there are open seats, candidates shall be appointed by ranked choice voting, per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.8.