The SGA election begins on Monday, February 12th, with a 6-week discussion period. A one-week voting period follows, beginning on Monday, March 26th and ending on Sunday, April 1st.
1) GPCA Elections and Minutes Approval (3)
ID #136 - Election: Coordinating Committee, unscheduled vacancy, one male seat, remainder of July 2017 - June 2019 (secret ballot)
ID #137 - Election: GPUS Delegation, unscheduled vacancy, three alternates, remainder of July 2017 - June 2019 (secret ballot)
ID #138 - Approval: Minutes, General Assembly, June 10-11, 2017
2) Ballot Measures (5)
ID #139 - GPCA position on Prop 68: California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access For All Act of 2018
ID #140- GPCA position on Prop 69: Motor vehicle fees and taxes: restriction on expenditures: appropriations limit
ID #141- GPCA position on Prop 70: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund
ID #142 - GPCA position on Prop 71: Ballot measures: effective date
ID #143- GPCA position on Prop 72: Property tax: new construction exclusion: rain water capture system.
3) Statewide Races (9)
ID #144 - GPCA endorsement for US Senate
ID #145 - GPCA endorsement for Governor
ID #146 - GPCA endorsement for Lt. Governor
ID #147 - GPCA endorsement for Secretary of State
ID #148 - GPCA endorsement for Controller
ID #149 - GPCA endorsement for Treasurer
ID #150 - GPCA endorsement for Attorney General
ID #151 - GPCA endorsement for Insurance Commissioner
ID #152 - GPCA endorsement for Superintendent of Public Instruction
4) Bylaws Interpretations and Bylaws Amendments (8)
ID #153 - Bylaws Interpretation: Election of GPUS Delegation Alternate seats
ID #154 - Bylaws Interpretation regarding GPCA Endorsements of candidates in statewide races in June 2018 Primary Election
ID #155- Endorsement Policy Amendment: GPCA Endorsements for General Election Candidates
ID #156- Bylaws Amendment: Procedures for Recall
ID #157- Bylaws Amendment: Clarify Notice Requirements and Reset Quorum at a Minimum of 50% For Standing Committees’ Voting Membership
ID #158- Bylaws Amendment: Changing References to Standing Green Assembly to Standing General Assembly
ID #159- Bylaws Amendment: Elections Eligibility and Timing for Coordinating Committee
ID #160- Bylaws Amendment - Elections Timing/Eligibility/Venue for GPUS Delegation (conditional posting)
SGA Vote Administrators:
Victoria Ashley, Solano County
Brian Good, Santa Clara County
Laura Wells, Alameda County
SGA Vote Admin Alternates:
Eric Brooks, San Francisco County
Mike Goldbeck, San Diego County