Green Party of San Francisco



Connect with Us

The San Francisco Green Party is part of a large and growing grassroots electoral movement, which is attempting to restore the democratic process and put people in office who truly are working in the best interests of the majority. Only by doing this can we solidify progress, and prevent the rollback of the gains made by society.

We are a part of the Green Party of California, which is part of the Green Party of the United States, one of many Green Parties around the world.
We hold regular monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month; the location is almost always the Redstone Bldg (2940, 16th Street, near South Van Ness) room #301. Event details are announced in our newsletter and in the "events" section on our website. New members are welcome to join us!  The agendas are generally set about a week in advance; to suggest items for an upcoming meeting, email the County Council at