Upcoming Events

County Council General Administrative Meeting. 


The administrative meetings are scheduled regularly on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at Reach and Teach in San Mateo at 6PM, followed by Green Talk at 7:15.



For contact information, go to the About Page.


Be sure to watch the Green Party Livestream TV channel.


Green Party of California State meetings 

Next General Assembly is expected to be scheduled in June after the primary election.

The last state meeting was in Santa Rosa November 16-17.

Minutes of previous meetings when approved are available in the General Assembly Archives. Access to some of this information is password protected. It is available to all California Green Party members. Call one of the county council members for that information.



Read more about the continued work of Dr. Jill Stein. including formation of a Green Shadow Cabinet


IT HAS MOVED TO http://greenpartysanmateocounty.wordpress.com

Special Event for March 22, 2014

Tom Neilson, Music for Social Change

Award winning song-writer, Tom Neilson brings his satire and social commentary to the Redwood City UU on Saturday, March 22 at  8:00 PM.  Tom will be performing songs of wit and poignancy, to include autobiographical sketches you won’t want to miss. Come hear his takes on same sex marriage, contraception, lost love, alternative love, distance love, environmental love, human rights love, a love for peace, and more.

Tom is known for decades of peace and justice work and has converted these experiences into 21 awards and nominations to include a 2011 IMA Song of the Year Award, winning at the Kerrville and South Florida Folk Festivals, JPF International awards for songs and CDs, MASC Silver Award, plus four songs at number 1 on the Soundclick music charts.   He has performed in 21 countries on 5 continents and his music has been used in 9 documentaries and numerous stage and street theater productions.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is located at 2124 Brewster, Redwood City

Show starts at 8PM
$20 Donation; $15 seniors; $5 youth
Co-sponsored by Social Action Committee of UUFRC and GPSMC
Light refreshments will be served

 650 574-7155 for more info

What are others have said about him:

Michael Stock of WLRN, Miami says “He does a great job of reminding people of what is really important, and the power of folk music to say it.” 

"Politically cutting-edge, incisive, warm, & very funny; Raucous political satire &, quick wit; had everyone laughing & engaged."  Cathy Gilbert, Miami Greens

"Marvelous wit, endlessly creative, the storyteller’s storyteller." Layne Longfellow, Prescott Unitarians, AZ

"The precision of his lyrics, his long history as an activist, his touching on current issues, and his spoken word – Oh, and he’s hilarious.” Joannes Werner, SEYM

"Creative & compelling; skewers the outrageous behavior of the greedy & powerful in corporations, the media & government."  People’s Voice Café, NYC


I had the pleasure of seeing Tom perform in Freedom Square in Washington, DC just after the beginning of the Occupy movement.

Location for GPSMC Meetings at Small Reach and Teach logo

Our meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Instead of our usual Admin meeting and Green Talk at Reach and Teach, Admin meeting for March only will be at San Mateo Ecovillage, 3329 Los Prados St. #2.

Agenda topics will include:

1. Review GPSMC By-laws and compare to GPCA by-laws to look for needed updates. Do we need a special meeting to do this? It does require reading in advance
2. Debriefing most recent proposals before the SGA.
3. Discuss alternative media to use to promote our Green Talks
4. Registering Greens in our county and building our activist base.
5. Recruiting County Council members

Green Talk 7:15-9:00

Green Talks can be a movie or a speaker on a topic related to Green issues or political campaigns or just a time to share with others interested in the party. They will be hosted by Reach And Teach, a peace and social justice learning company dedicated to transforming the world through teachable moments.  


Green Talk: April, 2014

to be announced


Recent events

Local Greens have been participating in a variety of actions around the bay area incuding protests about FastTrack, fracking, health care, various climate change issues, and other infringements on democracy.

In January, we hosted events to gather signatures for our statewide candidates.

In June, local Greens joined Greens from Santa Clara, San Francisco, and Alameda counties to march in the SF Pride Parade.

We had an interesting Green Talk in May, Sustainability in the Suburbs, hosted by San Mateo Ecovillage, a small waterfront eco community focusing on organic gardening. We also met a Green Party candidate who will be running for office in our county in November.



If you want to keep current with what is happening with the Green Party of San Mateo County, you can join our discussion list by subscribing your email address. For more information about our email lists, see our about gpsmc page. We are also on Facebook.


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State News

See what is happening around the state and opportunities to be involved by looking at the Green Party of California website.

If you cannot attend a General Assembly, we expect to be Livestreaming the evening program.

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Between state meetings county delegates are participating in a Standing General Assembly.

There is a general GPCA-forum list serve available if you want to be in communication with Green Party members around the state. The state party can also be found on Facebook


National News

GPUS has an internet TV channel. There are regular shows on topics of interest to Greens. There is also coverage of special events. Programs are recorded and archived, and whatever is currently playing, whether live or archived will show up right here. Archived shows can also be chosen and played whenever you want to see them on our Livestream page. During live shows there is also an opportunity to chat with other viewer and to ask questions of the featured presenters on the show.

Watch live streaming video from greenpartyus at livestream.com


Read the latest press releases on the GPUS website. The most recent are listed here. .

< more GPUS news releases>

The national newspaper of the Green Party of the United States


The full PDF version of the summer 2013 issue can be downloaded here.


green pages summer

In between printed issues that can be downloaded in pdf form, there is an ongoing Green Pages blog provide an online version with articles of interest.

Older editions

fall 2010

fall 2010

Fall 2010

The GPUS news magazine and blog also has articles about California as well as other Green Party member states.

green pages summer

The summer 2011issue of "Green Pages"

This issue also includes an updated version of Democracy is Coming (1.05 mb). The full PDF version of this issue can be downloaded here (2.02 mb).


News from the Jill Stein campaign

The November election did not stop the efforts of Jill Stein and others to grow our party and truly make a difference in this county. There is still lots of information available on her website. She has formed a Green Shadow Cabinet and attracted leaders from many progressive movements to participate.....80 and growing. It is quite exciting. She continues to work to build coalitions with other progressives, and spoke at the Ecosocialist Conference in February on Climate Change and Capitalism and will be speaking at the Left Forum in June. She gave an excellent presentation at the recent Maine Green Party state meeting. When it gets reposted on YouTube, I will embed it on this website.


News from other Greens and Bay Area Progressives

We all know how we feel about corporations being seen as people. Here is one way you can take action.



Green Party Watch is a very useful national Green blog.

Calendars of events of some other bay area progressive organizations:


*Green Party Watch is a good blog for information about Greens all over the country


leafy gPrevious Years' Activities of Interest


Some historic events in which San Mateo Greens participated:

Gloria Purcell and Sanda Everette attended the Medical Students' Lobby Day for Prop 810, Single Payer Health Care, in Sacramento




San Mateo and Santa Clara Greens attended Meet and Greet events for Jill Stein on November 28.


Cindy Asrir and Sanda Everette joined Jill at Occupy SF


Gloria Purcell and Sanda Everette represented GPSMC in Los Angeles at our GPCA state meeting.

Despite incredible technical difficulties, an additional presidential event at the state meeting was Livestreamed on our GPUS channel.

Sanda Everette went to Washington DC for the October2011.org event.

There are many local Greens participating in Occupy events around the bay area.

The Green Party of California has endorsed the Occupy Movement.

Sanda Everette attended the European Green Congress in Paris in November.


More pictures later, but I am actually in this audience shot in the fourth row

Gloria Purcell and Sanda Everette attended the GPCA Strategy gathering in Ventura on August 20-21.

Gloria in Ventura

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Sanda Everette attended the GPUS Annual National Meeting and NY Green Fest in Alfred, NY August 5-7 2011. She was part of the Livestream team bringing you online video of those events.

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A few Greens joined the Single Payer Health care group supporting the bill by Mark Leno, marching in the Pride parade in San Francisco. San Francisco also had a booth at the amazingly well attended event, registering Greens, sharing information, and gathering signatures for a Green (lesbian) candidate for mayor.

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Greens from all over the San Francisco Bay Area showed up for the march and rally on March 19, 2011, that was happening simultaneously at cities all over the country. I heard that 130 protesters were arrested in Washington, DC, but none in SF.








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On February 26, 2011, there was a rally in support of the workers in Wisconsin.







Two of the San Mateo County Council members, Gloria Purcell and Sanda Everette, went to Cancun for the Global Climate Change Conference in December 2010. "I found it quite exciting to be in the middle of all these events. I was able to attend some of the large plenary sessions and they were also available on television screens in the other venues such as the shot I have of Evo Morales." said Sanda. Unfortunately, only Sanda had credentials to get into the official events. "Here are a few photos that I took there. Gloria was able to join me for the beginning of the march of the indigenous people, Via Campesina."


Sanda shared some information from her experience at the Climate Change Conference:

From what I understand, though it was not a perfect agreement, results from Cancun were far more successful tan people had hoped for. I recommend reading the blog of Elizabeth May, the head of the Green Party of Canada, particularly the blog entry, What Just Happened. I feel quite fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend tie with this amazingly knowledgable woman in Cancun. I arranged an interview for her with Velcrow Ripper , a filmmaker working on Live in a Time of Climate Crisis and just happened to walk by when they were doing the interview. She gave an incredible 20mminute summary of everything that has happened since 1992 in Kyoto.

I was very impressed by the work of OXFAM on climate change issues and you can read some fairly balanced reporting from the Climate Action Network. They provided daily reports at the event, though not as radical as some groups, but representing many NGOs, certainly more progressive than many of the governmental parties present. The UNFCC website is also still available with lots of information.