Contributions are always welcome to the Green Party. Financial support is key to our future success, and we cannot do it without you. NOW is the time!
Significant financial decisions were made at Administrative Meetings due to the resignation of our GPSMC treasurer as of December 31, 2010 and no one volunteering to replace her as of July 2010. Because of our status with the state and federal elections commissions, without a treasurer to submit reports, we will not be able to maintain a bank account and raise funds. Our accounts have been closed and state and federal agencies have been notified.
At this time, we are asking you to make donations to the Green Party of California, the Green Party of the United States, or to Green Party candidates.
If you have the experience and inclination to become the new treasurer for the Green Party of San Mateo, please contact our chairperson, Gloria Purcell. Until we have a treasurer, we cannot accept donations. Thank you for your past support.