Announcement: Green Party Summer T-Shirt Contest

The Green Party of California is creating new merchandise and we want your input on how our new t-shirts, stickers, tote bags and other items should look.

Please send your design suggestions for t-shirts to by July 22nd. Other design ideas can keep coming later.
Go to this site to see examples of past party t-shirts -
For new designs, all options are open - front and back; bi-lingual, mutli-lingual  different shirts for men and women, include or not, California-specific or not. Those submitting designs are understood to be donating its use to the GPCA. 
If you are able to send the design as a .jpg or .gif, great. If you have a concept, but haven't designed it yet, send it along.  IUf you are skilled at graphic design or making silk-screens, let us know that too.
After we receive your designs, we'll post them and do a poll of our members to pick the designs we'll use.
Thanks for your input and creativity,
The GPCA Clearinghouse Committee - Edy Alvarez, Marla Bernstein, Maxine Daniel, Mike Feinstein