Coordinating Committee Co-Coordinators

The current Coordinating Committee Co-Coordinators are Mica Daniel and Victoria Ashley. This is the job description. Below is a list of the present and past co-coordinators and alternate co-coordinators.

Female Co-Coordinators & Alternates Male Co-Coordinators & Alternates
Mica Daniel, Co-Coordinator 08/00/17 - 02/00/19
Mica Daniel, Co-Coordinator 08/00/17 - 02/00/19 Bert Heuer, Co-Coordinator 11/00/16 - 02/00/18
Elected 11/00/16
Sanda Everette, Co-Coordinator 02/00/15 - 02/00/17 Bert Heuer, Co-Coordinator 11/00/16 - 02/00/18
Elected 11/00/16
Sanda Everette, Co-Coordinator 2/00/13 - 2/00/15
Elected 1/19/13
Alex Shantz, Co-Coordinator 1/28/12 - 11/00/16
Elected 1/28/12
Sanda Everette, Co-Coordinator 08/01/11 - 2/00/13
Elected 08/01/11; (to fill remainder of 2/11 to 2/13 term)
Barry Hermanson, Co-Coordinator 2/00/10 - 1/28/12
Adrienne Prince, Co-Coordinator x/xx/xx - 08/01/11Matt Leslie, Alternate x/00/11 - 2/00/12
Christina Olague, Co-Coordinator Larry Mullen, Co-Coordinator 2/00/08 - 2/00/10

Sharon Peterson, Co-Coordinator 2/06/05 - 5/26/07
Elected 02/06/05; Resigned 5/26/07

Mike Feinstein, Co-Coordinator 9/18/06 - 2/00/08
Elected 09/18/06 (to fill remainder of 2/06 to 2/08 term)

Laura Wells, Alternate 9/30/06 - 7/19/07
Elected 09/30/06;(to fill remainder of 2/05 to 2/07 term)
Resigned 7/19/07

Paul Franklin, Alternate 9/30/06 - 2/00/08
Elected 09/30/06 (to fill remainder of 2/06 to 2/08 term)

Magali Offerman, Alternate, 02/06/05 - 04/07/06
Elected 02/06/05; Resigned 04/07/06

Jared Laiti, Co-Coordinator 11/19/05 - 9/18/06
Elected 11/19/05 (to fill remainder of 2/04 to 2/06 term)

Peggy Lewis, Co-Coordinator 12/08/02 - 02/06/05
Elected 12/08/02

Gerry Gras, Co-Coodinator 1/25/04 - 09/09/05
Elected 1/25/04; Resigned 09/09/05

Sharon Peterson, Alternate 12/08/02 - 02/06/05
Elected 12/08/02

Michael Borenstein, Alternate 1/25/04 - 9/30/06
Elected 1/25/04

Peggy Lewis, Co-Coodinator 2/25/01 - 12/08/02
Elected 2/25/01

Michael Borenstein, Co-Coordinator 02/23/02 - 1/25/04
no minutes from 2/23/02 Santa Cruz retreat

Lucy Colvin, Co-Coordinator 3/14/00 - 2/25/01
Elected 03/14/00 (election not reflected in minutes)

Michael Borenstein, Co-Coordinator 1/20/01 - 02/23/02
Elected 1/20/01 (election not reflected in minutes)


Michael Borenstein, Co-Coordinator 3/14/00 - 1/20/01
Elected 03/14/00 (election not reflected in minutes)

the practice of Female Co-Coordinator Alternates commenced with the 12/08/02 electionthe practice of Male Co-Coordinator Alternates commenced with the 1/25/04 election