GPCA CC Teleconference Minutes
Monday, January 2, 2012
2. Appointment: CC appointment to Finance Committee
3. Appointment: CC appointments to Budget Committee
4. Appointment: CC appointment to Campaign Finance Support Committee
No applicants.
5. Appointment: CC appointment to Delegate Selection Committee
6. Decision: Agenda Retreat Agenda and Logistics
Proposal: That the following items be included on the retreat agenda
Amendment (Bloomberg, accepted as friendly)
Proposal passes 5-2-1
7. Decision: Managing Director Contract (Everette, Feinstein)
Yes: Ashley, Everette, Feinstein, Hermanson, Laidman, Shantz, Tanaka
No: Bloomberg, Leslie, Rubin
8. Decision: CC Rules & Procedures Article I Co-Coordinators (Feinstein)
Proposal: That the text in attachment #2 below is approved.
Approved by consensus
9. Discussion: Status of CC process to appoint new GPCA Treasurer
Discussion held, with information provided by Finance Committee of their discussion at the December General Assembly.
10. Discussion: CC internal procedures (Feinstein)
Attachment #1 Managing Director Contract
Attachment #2 Coordinating Committee Rules and Procedures
Article I: Co-Coordinators
Section 1-1: Number and term
1-1.1 As per GPCA Bylaws 6-1.9, all GPCA Standing Committees shall have two Co-coordinators, including the Coordinating Committee. This Article establishes that for the Coordinating Committee, there shall be a male and a female Co-coordinator and in a supporting role, a male and female alternate Co-coordinator.
1-1.2 Co-coordinators and alternates shall serve two year terms, with no term limits. Terms shall run from February of even-numbered years for the male Co-coordinator and male alternate, and from February in odd-numbered years for the female Co-coordinator and female alternate, except if the Coordinating Committee schedules a face-to-face retreat in January of each year, it may choose its co-coordinators at the retreat and the terms shall begin and/or end at the retreat upon election.
1-1.3 Alternates do not permanently assume the position of Co-coordinator if a Co-coordinator vacancy occurs. Rather, the alternate fulfills the duties and authority of Co-coordinator until the vacancy is filled as per 1-5.
Section 1-2: Duties and Authority
The Co-coordinators shall facilitate the operations of the Coordinating Committee and be in sufficient contact with the other Co-coordinator to accomplish this task. Alternate Co-coordinators shall assist the Co-Coordinators with their duties and responsibilities, which are to:
1-2.1 Create draft agendas for Coordinating Committee meetings, according to the process described in 2-1;
1-2.2 Serve as administrators for Coordinating Committee email lists and maintain an accurate Coordinating Committee roster, exclusively or in conjunction with others designated by the Co-coordinators and/or the Coordinating Committee;
1-2.3 Monitor and facilitate the Coordinating Committee email list to help the flow of information and to maintain a working decorum among Coordinating Committee members.
1-2.4 Respond to general inquiries from Coordinating Committee members regarding policies, rules and procedures.
1-2.5 Provide welcome and orientation to new Coordinating Committee members;
1-2.6 Update the Coordinating Committee web pages, exclusively or in conjunction with others designated by the Co-coordinators and/or the Coordinating Committee;
1-2.7 Conduct new delegate orientation at GPCA plenaries, exclusively or in conjunction with others designated by the Co-coordinators and/or the Coordinating Committee;
1-2.8 Communicate on behalf of the Coordinating Committee with the GPCA Liaison to the Secretary of State, GPCA Spokespersons and the Co-coordinators of Standing Committees and Working Groups;
1-2.9 Ensure that Coordinating Committee actions are in accordance with GPCA Bylaws and Rules and Procedures, and the Rules and Procedures of the Coordinating Committee;
1-2.10 Facilitate Coordinating Committee on-line voting according to Article III;
1-2.11 Maintain an updated Coordinating Committee task list and contact Coordinating Committee members for updates on task progress and completion.
Section 1-3: Nominations
1-3.1 Nominations for Co-coordinators and alternate Co-coordinators shall open on the first Monday of January. Nominations may be made by any Coordinating Committee member, including the candidate. Nominations shall be considered made when posted to the Coordinating Committee email list. Nominations shall be considered accepted when posted as such to the Coordinating Committee email list by the candidate. Self-nominations shall be considered accepted when made. Nominations may be made and accepted for the same person for both Co-coordinator and alternate Co-coordinator.
1-3.2 Where the election will be held during the Coordinating Committee retreat, the nomination period shall close three days before the commencement of the retreat, such that if the retreat begins on a Saturday, nominations shall close at midnight on the preceding Tuesday. Where the election will be held on a Coordinating Committee teleconference, nominations shall close at midnight two days before the teleconference, such that if the teleconference is held on a Monday, nominations shall close at midnight on the preceding Friday.
1-3.3 Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit a candidate statement to the Coordinating Committee email list, no later than the commencement of the discussion period. The statement should address performance of the position sought, as its duties and responsibilities are defined in this Article, and contain a biography of relevant experiences. Candidates are encouraged to submit video material in support of their candidacy.
Section 1-4: Elections
1-4.1 Co-coordinators shall be elected either in person at Coordinating Committee retreat in either January or February via the process described in 1-4.2 or via a CC teleconference at the first Coordinating Committee teleconference in February via the process described in 1-4.3.
1-4.2 Co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee retreat
1-4.2(a) Each candidate shall have the opportunity to make a three minute candidate statement. If any candidate is not in attendance, the candidate may either submit a written statement or make their statement via skype, speaker phone or other similar means. After candidates have made their statements, then there shall be a call for questions, concerns and affirmations, after which candidates may addresses concerns. After this, Coordinating Committee members may discuss the candidates among themselves before the vote commences. Voting shall be by instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. All Coordinating Committee members may cast votes, with those not in physical presence able to send in their votes by email, skype or speaker phone. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.
1-4.3 Co-coordinator election via teleconference
1-4.3(a) If there is only one candidate, the candidate shall make their statement, then there shall be a call for questions, concerns and affirmations, after which the candidate may addresses concerns. Then shall commence a three day voting period through midnight the ensuing Thursday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.
1-4.3(b) If there is more than one candidate, each shall make their statement, then there shall be call for questions and concerns, after which the candidates addresses concerns. Then shall commence a six day voting period through midnight, the ensuing Sunday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.
1-4.4 Alternate co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee retreat
After the above election process described in 1-4.2 is completed for the Co-coordinators, the same process shall be conducted for alternate Co-coordinators.
1-4.5 Alternate co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee teleconference
After the candidate statements and questions, concerns and affirmations are made for candidates for Co-coordinator, the same process will be held for candidates for alternate Co-coordinator. Once the election is completed for Co-coordinator, an on-line election shall commence for alternate Co-coordinator.
1-4.5(a) If there is only one candidate, on the following Monday shall commence a three-day voting period through midnight, the ensuing Wednesday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.
1-4.5(b) If there is more than one candidate, on the following Monday shall commence a six-day above election process through midnight, the ensuing Saturday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.
Section 1-5: Vacancies
1-5.1 A Co-coordinator vacancy shall exist whenever a Co-coordinator has submitted a written statement of resignation, is recalled as Co-coordinator by the Coordinating Committee; is recalled from the Coordinating Committee by the electing body to the Coordinating Committee, is no longer registered in the district from which he or she was elected (in the case of regionally elected seats); is no longer registered Green; or misses three consecutive General Assemblies or regular Coordinating Committee meetings without appointing a qualified alternate as per GPCA Bylaws 6-3.1(d),
1-5.2 Upon a vacancy occurring, there shall be a call for nominations within three days of the vacancy occurring. The period for nominations shall last for at least seven days and an election process at per 1-4 shall be conducted at the next regular Coordinating Committee meeting.