Coordinating Committee minutes, April 9, 2012

1) Welcome and setup, roll call, quorum check

Coordinating Committee members present (12): Victoria Ashley (East Bay),  Marla Bernstein (at-large)  arrived at 7:49, Warner Bloomberg (Silicon Valley), Maxine Daniel (at-large); Sanda Everette (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles),  Barry Hermanson (San Francisco) arrived at 7:34, Tim Laidman (at-large) arrived at 7:36, Matt Leslie (Orange/Riverside/San Bernardino), Stevie Luther (at-large) arrived at 7:35, Nancy Mancias (at-large), Alex Shantz (North Bay)
Coordinating Committee members not present (5): Daniel Braun (San Diego/Imperial), Dave Heller (at-large), Michael Rubin (at-large), Lauren Sinott (at-large); Kate Tanaka (at-large) 
Coordinating Committee alternates present (1): June Brashares (North Bay)
Invited participants (1): Marnie Glickman, GPCA Managing Director
Quorum: Quorum reached at 7:33 with 9/17 present: Victoria Ashley (East Bay),  Warner Bloomberg (Silicon Valley), Maxine Daniel (at-large), Sanda Everette (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles),  Tim Laidman (at-large), Matt Leslie (Orange/Riverside/San Bernardino), Nancy Mancias (at-large), Alex Shantz (North Bay)
2) Roles
Facilitator: Alex Shantz  (approved by consensus), 
Minutes taker: Mike Feinstein  (approved by consensus) 
Time keeper: Barry Hermanson  (approved by consensus) 
Vibes Watcher: Tim Laidman  (approved by consensus) 

3) Approval of Agenda  (simple majority vote)

Approved by Consensus at 7:35


4) Approval minutes (simple majority vote)

Coordinating Committee meeting, March 19th

Approved by Consensus at 7:38 (Hermanson, stand aside)

Approval of the on-line vote minutes for the Roseanne Barr letter

Approved by Consensus at 7:39 (Hermanson, stand aside)


5) Executive Session: Independent Contractor Evaluation

Heard presentation from Glickman. Questions asked by Bloomberg, Daniel, Feinstein, Laidman, Leslie and responded to by Glickman.  Glickman left the call and the Coordinating Committee conducted its evaluation, with Hermanson, Everette, Leslie, Mancias, Laidman, Bloomberg, Feinstein and Daniel speaking.


6) Discussion: Continual Update of GPCA Personnel Policy/Discussion of how to Handle Contracting After Spring GA 

Discussion held.


7) Appointment: Personnel Committee

Nominations: Laidman (self-nominated), Feinstein (self-nominated), Mancias (nominated by Feinstein and accepted)

There were no outstanding concerns to any of the three candidates with the understanding that the committee is to be filled to six members with staggered two years terms and for now, each of these three will be considered to fill the remainder of the January 2012-2013 term, pending the addition of three more to the committee, at which point the Coordinating Committee shall decide to whom to give one year and who to give two year terms among the six.

Appointment:  Feinstein, Laidman and Mancias, with the understanding above about length of terms

Approved by Consensus


8) Report:  GPCA Elections code progress (Feinstein) 

Because of time constraints to make decisions on items #9 and #10, this item was defered until 9:30 for informal discussion for those who chose to remain on the call. But no actions were taken.


9) Report:  Approval of Active Counties for GA Apportionment 

Proposal (Everette and Shantz): That the CC approve the following list of counties as active:

Alameda √
Contra Costa √
El Dorado √
Fresno √
Humboldt √
Lake √
LA √
Marin √
Mendocino  √
Monterey √
Napa √
Nevada √
Orange √
Riverside √
Sacramento √
San Diego √
San Francisco √
San Luis Obispo √
San Mateo √
Santa Clara √
Shasta √
Sonoma √
Tulare √
Ventura  √

Approved by consensus

Luther, Mancias left the call

10) Decision: GA Agenda Amendment (State Meeting Planning Committee) 

Proposal (Feinstein) That the proposed platform items be included on the Sunday agenda after lunch in the open time slot, but as discussion items only.

Amendment (Bloomberg, accepted as friendly by Feinstein) That if the County Polling on statewide propositions had not yet reached quorum before the General Assembly, that the item would be added to the agenda during this time period.

Proposal as amended: That the proposed platform items be included on the Sunday agenda after lunch in the open time slot, but as discussion items only. But that if the County Polling on statewide propositions had not yet reached quorum before the General Assembly, that  item would be added to the agenda during this time period first and then any remaining time would be dedicated to the platform items.

Approved by consensus