Coordinating Committee members present (14): Victoria Ashley (East Bay), Cindy Asir (South Bay), Marla Bernstein (at-large), June Brashares (at-large), Maxine Daniel (at-large), Sanda Everette (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles), Barry Hermanson (San Francisco), Sasha Karlik (at-large), Tim Laidman (at-large), Cynthia Santiago (at-large), Alex Shantz (North Bay), Michael Rubin (at-large), Lauren Sinott (at-large),
2) Roles
3) Approval of Agenda
Proposal (Everette): Add following item to the agenda 'Decision: Authorize outreach email to identify locations and hosts for upcoming statewide meetings (Everette)'
Approved by consensus
Proposal (Rubin): Add discussion item 'How the GPCA can establish policy demands of the state legislature now that the Democrats have a 2/3 majority in both houses'
Approved by consensus
Proposal to approve draft agenda, as amended (Shantz)
Approved by consensus
4) Decision: Approve minutes of October 1st meeting
5) Report/discussion: Next steps with Nationbuilder/Integrating info from Stein Campaign (Feinstein)
6) Report/Discussion: Next steps with Nationbuilder/County Party use (Feinstein)
8) Decision: Certification of County Councils: Shasta County (Hermanson)
Approved by consensus
9) Appointment: Peggy Koteen, Platform Committee
Appointed by consensus
10) Decision: Carrying out tasks that were previously Marnie Glickman's responsibility (Brashares, Laidman)
Introduction, presentation by Brashares and Laidman. Laidman and Shantz report on behalf of Finance and Field Organizer positions. The introduction included background material that did not make it into the agenda, so it is included below as attachment #2
Proposal (Shantz): Add agenda item regarding Appointment to Personel Committee
Approved by Consensus
Appointment: June Brashares, Personnel Committee
Approved by Consensus
12) Decision: Establish GPCA Inform List (Feinstein)
3) The list operator distributes the message on contacts list
13) Decision: Authorize outreach email to identify locations and hosts for upcoming statewide meetings (Everette)
Proposal (Everette): That the CC authorize an outreach letter on the GPCA Inform list seeking sponsors for a northern and a southern California state party Gathering, to be held from no earlier than the end of February to no later than the beginning of April, with a preference for sometime in March; and for a General Assembly in May or June (but not on Mother's Day weekend May 11-12 or Gay Pride weekend June 29-30), that would include the approval of the GPCA FY2013-2014 budget.
Approved by consensus
14) Discussion: How the GPCA can establish policy demands of the state legislature now that the Democrats have a 2/3 majority in both houses (Rubin)
Rubin presented a concept developed by the Alameda County Council, that the GPCA establish policy demands of the state legislature now that the Democrats have a 2/3 majority in both houses, including single payer universal health care; a constitutional amendment to amend proposition 13 to enable a split role on commerical property and an oil severance tax. Discussion led to the expectation that the December 3rd Coordinating Committee meeting would consider a proposal, to co-sponsor with the Green Issues Working Group, that a proposal to establish policy demands of the state legislature be presented to the Standing General Assembly for approval.
15) Report: Treasurer's Report (Barnett)
Barnett provided updates on GPCA account balances and summarized major expenditures.
16) Report: Standing committees
17) Report: Working Groups
Attachment #1:
Section 3-9 Executive Session
3-9.1 The Coordinating Committee may go into Executive Session only for personnel matters, sensitive legal and financial matters in which the Party itself is involved in actual or potential legal proceedings, sensitive conversations concerning Green candidates or elected officials, and when dealing with proprietary information of vendors and contractors. No other circumstances are appropriate for Executive Session. Only Coordinating Committee members and persons invited by the Coordinating Committee whose participation is necessary to address the agenda item are allowed to participate.
3-9.2 When an item proposed for Executive Session is called on the agenda, it shall first require consensus or a 2/3 vote to enter Executive Session. Once Executive Session has begun, if at least twenty percent of the Coordinating Committee members present believe that the discussion is entering areas that are inappropriate for Executive Session as per 3-9.1, they may ask for a vote and 2/3 is required to remain in Executive Session.
3-9.3 Agenda item for which Executive Session is denied or permission withdrawn as per 3-9.2 may be heard in open session, but only within the limits of what may be discussed outside of Executive Session, as per 3-9.1.
3-9.4 Minutes of all Executive Session shall include the time of entering and exiting Executive Session, those present and a general summary of topics discussed, without including specific information precluded under 3-9.1. Decisions made in Executive Session shall be reported in the Coordinating Committee minutes, subject to any legal limitations on disclosure.
Attachment #2
October: Discussed entering data into Nationbuilder andfurther publicizing the fundraiser independent contractor announcement.
September: Everette will continue thanking large donors; Feinstein will follow up with a prospective large donor in Southern California and will address issues raised with donate page on the GPCA's website. Lengthly discussion ensued about the functions of Nationbuilder and the need to identify more people to operate it, and a job description for at least one of these persons
August: Not considered because of time contraints.
July: Proposal (Brashares, Laidman): That CC will have an on-line thread with a title about the responsibilities involved, that those interested would be come forward and be identified, and a decision upon them would be made at the next meeting; that the proposal would contain the process by which these tasks could be completed; and if certain things can be easily addressed by volunteers before then, they should be.
Outstanding concerns/stand aside (Rubin): CC not taking issue as seriously as it deserves, more time should've been devoted to it on this call and 1/2 hour should be devoted to it on the August CC call.
June: Discussion held, not decisions taken as presenter was not on call.
May: Ashley introduces item. Feinstein, Hermanson, Laidman, Everette, Daniels comment. No proposal made, item to be heard at Coordinating Committee's May 11 meeting.