Coordinating Committee minutes, March 4, 2013

Coordinating Committee members present (14): Victoria Ashley (East Bay), Cindy Asrir (Silicon Valley), Marla Bernstein (at-large), June Brashares (at-large), Maxine Daniel (at-large), Sanda Everette (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles), Dave Heller (at-large), Barry Hermanson (San Francisco), Sasha Karlik (at-large), Tim Laidman (at-large), Matt Leslie (Orange/Riverside/San Bernardino), Alex Shantz (North Bay), Lauren Sinott (at-large)

Coordinating Committee members not present (1): Cynthia Santiago (at-large)
Quorum: Quorum reached at 7:34 with 8/15 present:  Victoria Ashley (East Bay), Cindy Asrir (Silicon Valley), Maxine Daniel (at-large), Sanda Everette (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles), Dave Heller (at-large),Tim Laidman (at-large), Alex Shantz (North Bay),  

Leslie joined call at 7:35
Sinott, Brashares joined call at 7:39
Hermanson joined call at 7:40
Bernstein joined call at 7:42
Karlik joined call at 8:34

2) Roles

Facilitator: Alex Shantz
Minutes taker: Mike Feinstein
Time keeper: Maxine Daniel
Vibes Watcher: Dave Heller
Approved by consensus

3) Approval of Agenda 

Proposal (Feinstein): Move item #10 "Decision: Amend Proposals before the SGA" to item #5, in front of "Decision: Approval of venue and funds for Napa GA"

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Everette): Add "Decision: Endorse Unplug Nuclear Power" event to agenda to appear after "Decision: Endorsement of Disclose Act"

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Feinstein/Laidman/Brashares/Shantz as State Meeting Planning Committee): Add "Decision: Consolidate Northern California Gathering into Southern California Gathering" to agenda to appear after "Decision: Endorse Unplug Nuclear Power" 

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Shantz): Approve agenda as amended 

Approved by consensus

4) Approve minutes from previous meetings

- Approve minutes, February 18th, 2013

Approved by consensus

5) Decision: Amend Proposals before the SGA (Laidman, Feinstein) 
Proposal (Feinstein, Laidman): That the text as agendized be approved

Proposal (Leslie, accepted by Feinstein): Amend 7-1.4 as follows

7-1.4 Delegates assume the responsibility to be familiar with the agenda, read materials and where practicable, prepare clarifying questions in advance, and be prepared to participate in all General Assembly sessions. Where practicable, County Organizations are also encouraged to review agenda items and provide advance input to their delegates. 

Proposal (Feinstein, Laidman): Approve proposal as amended (see attachment #1 below for full text of all amendments approved).

Approved by consensus, with one stand aside

Stand aside (Brashares): Has ongoing concern about changing GPCA bylaws through the use of the SGA

6) Decision: Approval of venue and funds for Napa GA (Shantz) 

Proposal (Shantz): That GPCA CC approve holding the Napa GA at the Napa Women’s Club and authorize a $300 refundable deposit and $1000 to cover the rental cost. 
Process Proposal (Stantz): Add five minutes to this item

Approved by consensus

Proposal (Feinstein, accepted by Shantz): Amendment - That funds not to exceed $50 be dedicated for a wireless hotspot. 

Proposal (Shantz, as amended): That GPCA CC approve holding the Napa GA at the Napa Women’s Club and authorize a $300 refundable deposit and $1000 to cover the rental cost. That funds not to exceed $50 be dedicated for a wireless hotspot. 

Approved by consensus

7) Decision: Approve amendments to Personnel Policy authorized by Coordinating Committee on February 4th (Feinstein) 
Proposal (Feinstein): Amend the following sections as follows:
4-2 Conflicts of Interest
No person may apply for a position who is, or has been within the three prior months, a member of the Personnel Committee. When a committee or working group member applies for a position that will be supervised by that committee, that member may not participate in the committee's decision-making process, including any consensus-seeking, voting or participating in the committee's discussion of the hire; nor may they participate in any of the committee's management of the position once hired, unless as requested by the committee as part its regular evaluation process as defined in this Personnel Policy. No employee will be selected for a position in which a relative (by blood, adoption, marriage, or legal partnership) has supervisory or direct administrative authority over her or him.
6-1 The Committee or Working Group shall review all applications and determine what follow up actions, including interviews, are necessary to conduct to make its recommendations.  The Committee or Working Group shall base its recommendations upon the applicant's resume/application, skills and abilities, history, interviews and ability to perform the work within the budgeted amount, as well as upon the general body of the GPCA's platform, policies and practices. The Committee or Working Group shall submit its hiring recommendations and draft contract to the Personnel Committee for approval. 
Approved by consensus

8) Approve recommendation nominee for GPCA Treasurer for affirmation at June General Assembly for 2013-2015 (Laidman) 
Proposal (Laidman):  Recommendation of Doug Barnett for affirmation at June 2012 Napa General Assembly for 2013-2015 Treasurer's Term
Stand aside (Everette): Though position should have been advertised
Approved by consensus
Everette left call at 8:20

9) Decision: Proposal for the CC to sponsor discussion item on party process for the Napa GA (Laidman) 
Proposal (Laidman): That the CC sponsor a discussion item on party process for the Napa GA, likely to occur on Sunday of the GA, pending State Meeting Planning Committee and CC agenda work and final approval of agenda by GA
Proposal (Feinstein, accepted by Laidman): Amendment to establish ad-hoc committee to plan this agenda item, how the time would be structured and to identify facilitators for this session
Process Proposal (Shantz): add five minutes
Approved by consensus
Proposal (Laidman) as amended: That the CC sponsor a discussion item on party process for the Napa GA, likely to occur on Sunday of the GA, pending State Meeting Planning Committee and CC agenda work and final approval of agenda by GA. Amendment to establish ad-hoc committee to plan this agenda item, how the time would be structured and to identify facilitators for this session
Approved by consensus

10) Decision: Endorsement of Disclose Act (Everette)

Proposal (Shantz):  GPCA will endorse SB 52, California DISCLOSE Act, Co-coordinators will complete appropriate information on their website to indicate that endorsement.

Approved by consensus

11) Decision: Unplug Nuclear Power" action on March 11, 2013 (Everette)

Proposal (Shantz): Endorse Unplug Nuclear Power" action on March 11, 2013, Co-coordinators will complete appropriate information on their website to indicate that endorsement.
Approved by consensus

12) Decision: Appoint State Meeting Planning Committee members

Appointment: Marla Bernstein
Approved by consensus

13) Decision: Consolidate Northern California Gathering into Southern California Gathering (State Meeting Planning Committee)
Proposal (Brashares): Consolidate Northern California Gathering into Southern California Gathering

Approved by consensus
(heard after #12 rather than before it as planned, as participants forgot about its placement until after #12 was heard)

14) Discuss/Approve Strategic Plan Draft for June General Assembly

Proposal (Feinstein): The FY2012-2014 GPCA Strategic Plan shall include the following topics: regular General Assemblies, Standing General Assemblies and Gatherings, increasing party voter registration; planning for 2014 elections and candidate development, including the statewide slate/statewide constitutional offices; how the existence of Proposition 14 (or if it is overturned) will affect planning for 2014; how the GPCA would conduct its county council elections in 2014 if they are not conducted by the state of California; increasing membership and activity of party committees and working groups; future items before the Standing General Assembly. 
Approved by consensus
(Volunteers to serve on Strategy Committee and to apply for formal appointment at next Coordinating Committee meeting: June Brashares, Mike Feinstein, Alex Shantz)
Sinott left call at 9:23

15) Executive Session: Update on Wells Fargo bank account issues and potential GPCA actions (Laidman, Daniel, Barnett) 

From Coordinating Committee Internal Procedures:  3-9.4 Minutes of all Executive Session shall include the time of entering and exiting Executive Session, those present and a general summary of topics discussed, without including specific information precluded under 3-9.1. Decisions made in Executive Session shall be reported in the Coordinating Committee minutes, subject to any legal limitations on disclosure.

Laidman and Barnett summarized the status of the GPCA's Wells Fargo accounts: Wells Fargo accounts have been closed, all funds have been returned to GPCA.  However, Wells Fargo did nothing to stop the fraud and wouldn't provide sufficient data for the GPCA to file police reports of its own.

Proposal (Laidman):  Authorize Doug Barnett and Tim Laidman to contact the California Department of Financial Institutions and report back on options to follow up on issues of fraud with GPCA bank accounts at Wells Fargo.

Approved by consensus

The following item was not heard during the official meeting owing to time concerns, but some members stayed for an informal report

16) Report: Treasurer (Barnett) 

The following items were not heard during the official meeting owing to time concerns, but some members stayed for an informal report

17) Report: Standing committees 

A) Bylaws (Ashley)
B) Clearinghouse (Feinstein)
C) Finance (Laidman) 
D) Media (Everette) 
E) Platform (vacant) 

18) Report: Working Groups 

Campaigns and Candidates (Leslie)
Electoral Reform (vacant)
Green Issues (Laidman) 
Grassroots Organizing (Shantz)


Attachment #1:  Amend Proposals before the SGA

Proposal: That the following Sections and sub-sections in Articles 7, 8 and  6 be approved for inclusion in proposals #21, 22 and 23 to the Standing General Assembly.

Article 7 General Assembly
7-1.4 Delegates assume the responsibility to be familiar with the agenda, read materials and where practicable, prepare clarifying questions in advance, and be prepared to participate in all General Assembly sessions. Where practicable, County Organizations are also encouraged to review agenda items and provide advance input to their delegates. 
7-5.1(c) The Draft Agenda may contain a Consent Calendar consisting of proposals that have been judged by their sponsors to be sufficiently non-controversial as to be considered and approved without the normal consensus-seeking process of presentations, clarifying questions, and affirmations and concerns. When the Consent Calendar is heard, any proposal for which there are outstanding concerns without stand asides shall be removed without approval. The sponsor(s) of the proposal shall make an effort to address the outstanding concerns, after which the proposal may be brought back to the General Assembly at a later point for approval.
7-5.5(d) The facilitator(s) should ask if there are any more unresolved, outstanding concerns.  If there are none, the proposal is considered approved by consensus.
Article 8. Coordinating Committee
8-4.4 Candidates shall be given time to present themselves and respond to questions on a Standing General Assembly teleconference during the Standing General Assembly discussion period in 7-6.3. Where General Assemblies or Gatherings occur after the close of the submission date in 8-4.2, and before the close of the voting period in 7-6.3, candidates shall be given time to present themselves to any General Assembly or Gathering occurring this period.  
Article 6. County Council
Section 6-2 Elections

6-2.1 Members shall be elected in each county at each direct primary election. Only those legally registered to vote in California as members of the Green Party are eligible to be elected. Elections shall be for two-year terms lasting until 30 days after the next direct primary election.

6-4 Vacancy

A vacancy on the County Council shall be said to exist whenever any of the following has occurred. Additional criteria may be enacted by a County Organization in its bylaws, like attendance requirements, that are not in conflict with these bylaws:

Section 6‑6 Appointments to Vacancies in Counties In Which No County Council members were elected in the primary election

6-6.3 For decisions to be valid at this General Meeting, in counties in which where there is not a recognized County Organization, the number of registered GPCA members in the county that must attend the meeting, must be at least three. 
6-6.4 For decisions to be valid at this General Meeting, in counties in which where there is a recognized County Organization, either the number shall be equal to the amount that would be necessary to sign nomination signatures to appear on the County Council ballot in that countyor at a meeting with less than that number, but with at least three, only those candidates would be eligible who present a nomination petition with a number of signatures from registered Greens in the county, equal to the amount that would be necessary to sign nomination signatures to appear on the County Council ballot in that county.
6-6.5 County Organizations are encouraged to used ranked choice voting to appoint County Council members at these General Meetings.
then renumber 6-6.5 and 6-6.6 as 6-6.6 and 6-6.7