Coordinating Committee Minutes, February 4th, 2019

Coordinating Committee Meeting
Monday February 4, 2019 7:30 to 9:30pm
(01) Roll call (2 min)
There are currently 22 committee members. This means quorum is a simple majority of 12.

Victoria Ashley, Alternate Co-Coordinator, Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Carol Bouldin, June Brashares, Eric Brooks, Maxine Daniel, Co-Coordinator, Emmanuel Estrada, Sanda Everette, Sadie Fulton, Colt Gonzales, Josh Jones, Tarik Kanaana, James Lauderdale, Lauren Mauricio, Ann Menasche, Mimi Newton, Nassim Nouri, Shannel Pittman, Erik Rydberg, Adam Siegel, Laura Wells
17/22 present, quorum reached at 7:38
Present (19): Victoria Ashley (joined 8:13), Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Carol Bouldin, June Brashares, Eric Brooks, Maxine Daniel, Emmanuel Estrada, Sanda Everette, Sadie Fulton, Colt Gonzales, Josh Jones, James Lauderdale, Ann Menasche, Mimi Newton, Nassim Nouri, Shannel Pittman, Adam Siegel, Laura Wells
Absent (3): Tarik Kanaana, Lauren Mauricio, Erik Rydberg
(02) Roles (2 min)

Facilitator - Maxine Daniel
NoteTaker – Nassim Nouri
Time Keeper - Josh Jones
Vibes Watcher – Carol Bouldin
(03) Approval of Agenda (2 min)

*Proposal*: Approve the Agenda
(Draft #3 posted on February3, 2019)

Approved by consensus
(04) Decision: Approval of prior months Minutes (4 min)

*Proposal*: Approve minutes of January 7th cc meeting as recorded by Nassim Nouri.
See email gpca-cc draft #2 January 7 cc minutes (posted Wednesday January 30, 2019 at 2:39pm by Nassim Nouri)

Question: June notes the reported number of members present did not match the number of names listed, Shannel Pittman was present and counted but her name missing from the present list. June will stand aside and accept correction in final version. Nassim to email CC corrected minutes.
(05) Consent Items (2 min)

Background and Purpose: The consent calendar is intended to pass non-controversial items or items consensed prior to the actual meeting. Any item may be objected to and that item will be placed at the end of the evening's agenda.
*Proposal*: Accept the following committee reports for inclusion into the meeting minutes

Committee Reports:
Appendix A - GrassRoots Organizing Working Group (GROW)
Appendix B - Finance Committee
Appendix C – Clearinghouse Committee
Appendix D – Media Committee
Appendix E - Campaigns and Candidate Working Group
Appendix F - Bylaws Committee
(06) [gpca-cc] CC AGENDA ITEM - Decision: Sponsor By-law amendment to make GA and SGA quorum the same
Laura Wells via, Mon, Jan 28, 3:44 PM (1 day ago), to GPCA
SUBJECT/TITLE: Decision item: Sponsor bylaw amendment to make GA and SGA quorum the same.

CO-SPONSOR(S): Laura Wells, Alameda County (after consultation with Bylaws Committee) (10 min)

PURPOSE: The goal is to ensure that the quorum requirements for the in-person General Assembly (GA) and on-line Standing General Assembly (SGA) are the same.
* Before the General Assembly in June 2018, the quorum requirement for a GA was based on regions. Regions were primarily created with the intention of having regional gatherings and other Green Party organizing, but that intention did not develop. The only reference left over in the bylaws was in the GA quorum requirement.
* The quorum requirement for an in-person GA was changed to be 3/5 of active counties, at the June 2018 GA.
* The quorum requirement for an on-line SGA vote is a simple majority of counties, i.e. 50% + 1. (See 7-6.3 in References, below)
* Attending an in-person GA is a more difficult process than casting an on-line vote, and should not require a higher quorum.
* THEREFORE, the GA quorum should be changed to match the long-standing SGA quorum requirement.
PROPOSAL: That the CC sponsor the following bylaw amendment for the next Standing General Assembly election.
CURRENT General Assembly quorum language
7-5.3(a) A quorum exists for the purpose of opening a General Assembly when 3/5 (rounding to the nearest whole number) of active counties are represented.
7-5.3(b) A quorum exists for the purpose of decision-making when 3/5 of active counties and 3/5 of registered delegates are present.
PROPOSED General Assembly quorum language
7-5.3(a) A quorum exists for the purpose of opening a General Assembly when a majority of active counties are represented.
7-5.3(b) A quorum exists for the purpose of decision-making when a majority of active counties and 3/5 of registered delegates are present.
IMPLEMENTATION/TIMELINE/RESOURCES: Agenda time requested is 10 minutes.
"7-6.3 Quorum. A quorum has been reached when the number of votes cast is equal to a majority of delegate seats appointed under 7-1.2, together with a majority of all active County Organizations having cast at least one vote. In such cases, abstentions count as a vote cast."
- Questions: Eric and Carol: asked how quorum is currently defined? Laura: quorum is a simple majority of all those who register to attend a GA. this proposal does not change the definition of quorum, it simply aligns both SGA and GA quorum requirements. Mimi clarified the previous changes from region to counties have already made quorum more stringent.
- Concerns: Sanda: concerned GPCA is moving away from consensus decisions-making, she prefers the higher quorum stringency in order not to weaken consensus. Carol agreed.
- Time for this discussion ran out, consensus reached to add ten minutes to discussion.
- Eric: Blocking concerned that having lower quorum requirements can exclude certain counties due to distance and geography, and leave GA open to manipulation by a small group.

- Voted on by 17 members, proposal passed with 13 YES, 3 NO, 2 Abstain.
o YES (13): June Brashares, Maxine Daniel, Emmanuel Estrada, Sadie Fulton, Colt Gonzales, Josh Jones, James Lauderdale, Ann Menasche, Mimi Newton, Nassim Nouri, Shannel Pittman, Adam Siegel, Laura Wells
o NO (3) Doug Barnett, Carol Bouldin, Eric Brooks
o Abstain (2) Sanda Everette, Marla Bernstein
o Not on the call at the time of vote: Victoria Ashley
(07) Agenda item: Decision item: Appoint Coordinating Committee Liaisons
SPONSOR: Nassim Nouri, IT Committee (10 minutes)

PURPOSE: The goal is to appoint Coordinating Committee Liaisons for those that have termed out; the Campaign and Candidates Working Group, Electoral Reform Working Group, Grassroots Organizing Working Group, Activist Training and Development Working Group and the State Meeting Planning Group.
The CC Liaison terms for the four working groups listed above have ended between Sept. 2018 and December 2018. The previous liaisons and a new nominee have been contacted and have no objections to being nominated for CC liaison for another term. Nominees are:

State Meeting Planning - Tarik Kanaana
Campaigns & Candidates WG - Shannel Pittman or June Brashares
Electoral Reform WG - Ann Menasche
Grassroots Organizing WG - Laura Wells
Activist Training and Development WG - Sadie Fulton
PROPOSAL: The CC appoint the nominees listed above.
IMPLEMENTATION/TIMELINE/RESOURCES: Agenda time requested is 10 minutes.
- Laura added and Nassim accepted a friendly amendment to appoint a new Liaison to the Fundraising Committee since Deatra used to be the CC liaison but is no longer on the CC. Josh agreed to be nominated as CC Liaison to the Fundraising Committee.
- Nassim noted that there are also currently no CC liaisons appointed to the Greens Issues Working Group, has gotten no responses from Cocos of Green Issues Working Group, will reach out again.
- No questions or concerns
Approved by consensus to appoint the following as CC liaisons:

State Meeting Planning - Tarik Kanaana
Campaigns & Candidates WG - Shannel Pittman
Electoral Reform WG - Ann Menasche
Grassroots Organizing WG - Laura Wells
Activist Training and Development WG - Sadie Fulton
Fundraising Committee – Josh Jones
(08) Agenda item, sponsor Sadie Fulton (10 minutes)
Hi all,
I'd like for us to discuss, on the next call, what approach to take in the case of endorsements for special elections.
In December we voted to send all such issues to the entire inform list. In January we did so and got push back from Thomas Leavitt, who didn't understand why he was being told about a special election taking place in Los Angeles.
Going forward perhaps we should only send the endorsement info to the section of the inform list potentially impacted by the notice?
- No questions or concerns.
- Affirmations - Nassim, Sanda, June, Carol, Ann and Eric all affirmed staying with current practice of sending notifications to all on inform list.
Approved by consensus to continue sending geography- specific notices such as endorsements for special elections to all on the inform list.
(8:38) Eric asked if it is acceptable to do another role call for the second half of the meeting for the next few decision items.
Laura conducted a roll call again:
Present (18): Victoria Ashley, Marla Bernstein, Carol Bouldin, June Brashares, Eric Brooks, Maxine Daniel, Emmanuel Estrada, Sanda Everette, Sadie Fulton, Colt Gonzales, Josh Jones, James Lauderdale, Ann Menasche, Mimi Newton, Nassim Nouri, Shannel Pittman, Adam Sigel, Laura Wells
Absent from call at the time of vote (1): Doug Barnett
(09) Proposal to Change GPCA Bylaws regarding election of CC members
Sponsor(s): June Brashares & Laura Wells & Mimi Newton (15 minutes)

Title/Subject: Decision item: Proposal to Change Bylaws regarding election of CC members
(with proposed changes vetted by Bylaws Committee)
This is the Decision Item to follow up as planned on the similar proposal approved by consensus at the January CC meeting to submit to the SGA proposed changes for GPCA Bylaws regarding how the CC is elected.
This is to revise parts of Bylaws section 8 to incorporate the proposal passed by the CC last October for section 8-2.1(regarding non-binary gender candidates and election of female CC members). The proposal also is to change section 8-4.5 regarding filling mid-term vacancies so that each mid-term vacancy would not trigger an election until there are 5 mid-term vacancies or if the CC drops below 15, or if the CC decides by a majority vote to conduct a CC election, and whenever there is an SGA election to fill mid-term vacancies the election would be for filling all the open seats on the CC (while following the guidelines about gender).
June had suggested an additional change for Rank Choice Voting to be removed from single vote elections, but due to concerns and related questions about write-in ballots, she said she would send separate proposals to the Bylaws Committee, separating the yes/no single seat vote from the proposal regarding the vote trigger.
The CC's suggested changes were given to the Bylaws Committee and it provided its consultation at its January 20th meeting. However, the Bylaws Committee did not have time during that meeting to address the part about removing the Rank Choice Voting from single vote elections, nor related questions about write-in ballots, so no changes regarding those particular items are being proposed at this time. Along with the other items considered, the Bylaws Committee approved a proposed change for open ballots which is ready for submittal to the SGA upon CC approval.
The following proposed text includes the recommended revisions that the Bylaws Committee approved and are ready for the CC to approve for submittal to the SGA.
Proposal: that the CC approve for submittal to the SGA the following proposed changes to GPCA Bylaws regarding how the CC is elected.
These are to be submitted to the SGA for the delegates to vote on as 3 separate proposed changes to the bylaws (A, B & C below). The approval or rejection of any one of these proposed bylaw changes is not to impact the approval or rejection of the others.
(The proposed new text is underlined)
A. Change GPCA Bylaws section 8-2.1
8-2.1 The Coordinating Committee shall be composed of up to 24 voting members, with 12 men and 12 women. Six men and six women shall be elected each year to serve staggered, two year terms.
8-2.1 The Coordinating Committee shall be composed of up to 24 voting members, with 12 being female and 12 being of any gender, whether male, female, or non-binary. Six women and six of any gender shall be elected each year to serve staggered, two-year terms.
and add section 8-4.6:
8-4.6 Unfilled vacant Coordinating Committee seats previously held by females are to be filled only by female candidates, other vacancies can be filled by candidates of any gender.

- Eric had a blocking concern to this proposal because it does not also address introducing racial diversity in CC. Eric asked the CC and the ByLaws committee address this.
- Mimi notes ByLaws does not submit all the amendments, invited those concerned to draft a proposal and share it with ByLaws, Ann and June expressed interest.
- June will submit this proposal for the next SGA for a vote.

- Voted on by 19 members, proposal passed with 18 YES and 1 NO.
o YES (18): Victoria Ashley, Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Carol Bouldin, June Brashares, Maxine Daniel, Emmanuel Estrada, Sanda Everette, Sadie Fulton, Colt Gonzales, Josh Jones, James Lauderdale, Ann Menasche, Mimi Newton, Nassim Nouri, Shannel Pittman, Adam Siegel, Laura Wells
o NO (1) Eric Brooks
B. Change GPCA Bylaws section 8-4.5
8-4.5 Upon a mid-term vacancy occurring on the Coordinating Committee (but not a vacancy occurring as a result of any seats not being filled during an annual regular election), the Coordinating Committee shall publish a Notice of Vacancy and Call for Candidate Submissions to the active County Organizations, for candidates seeking to fill the remainder of the vacated term. The Notice shall contain the timing of the submission, discussion and election process, and the time remaining in the term for which a vacancy has occurred. The Notice shall be published within two days of the vacancy occurring. The submission deadline shall be 21 days from the publishing of the Notice. The discussion period shall begin on the first Monday after the close of the submission period. No vacancy shall be noticed to be filled if from the resultant timeline above, the seat would be filled after the first Monday of the April before the end of the vacated term. Not withstanding the above, for 2013 only, there shall be a separate, one-time election for male and for female seats, combining unfilled two-year seats in the election, and the remainder of one-year seats not previously scheduled for election until 2014, where the top vote getter(s) will fill the two-year seats and the others will fill the one-year seats.
8-4.5 Upon five (5) mid-term vacancies occurring on the Coordinating Committee (but not a vacancy occurring as a result of any seats not being filled during an annual regular election), or if due to a mid-term vacancy occurring the membership on the Coordinating Committee drops to below fifteen (15) members, the Coordinating Committee shall publish a Notice of Vacancy and Call for Candidate Submissions to the active County Organizations, for candidates seeking election to the Coordinating Committee. An election will be held to fill the remainder of the vacated terms and any unfilled Coordinating Committee seats (such as seats remaining unfilled from past Coordinating Committee elections). At any time the Coordinating Committee may, by a majority vote, call for an election to fill any Coordinating Committee vacancy and/or unfilled seat.
The Coordinating Committee Election Notice shall contain the timing of the submission, discussion and election process, and the time remaining in the terms for which vacancies have occurred. The Notice shall be published within a month of the fifth vacancy occurring. The submission deadline shall be 21 days from the publishing of the Notice. The discussion period shall begin on the first Monday after the close of the submission period. No vacancy shall be noticed to be filled if from the resultant timeline above, the seat would be filled after the first Monday of the April before the end of the vacated term. The top vote getter(s) will fill the two-year seats and the others will fill the one-year seats.
Approved by consensus.
C. Change GPCA Bylaws section 8-4.1
8-4.1 Elections shall be conducted each year by the Standing General Assembly by secret ballot, using Ranked Choice Voting with a No Other Candidate option, with the six week discussion period beginning on the first Monday of May and the one week voting period commencing immediately thereafter.
8-4.1 Elections shall be conducted each year by the Standing General Assembly by open ballot, revealing the votes as the technology used allows for it, using Ranked Choice Voting with a No Other Candidate option, with the six week discussion period beginning on the first Monday of May and the one week voting period commencing immediately thereafter.
Implementation: Following the text being approved at the CC meeting on February 4th, it should immediately be sent to the SGA since the SGA election needs to start for it on Feb 11th (6-week discussion, last week of March would be the vote). This is necessary for the SGA vote to be completed the last day of March, so on April 1 the call for candidates for the election of the CC can incorporate the new bylaws. That will allow 4 weeks for candidates to apply until the deadline for candidate applications on April 29th.

- Carol and Sanda expressed concerns about working relationships being affected and also revealing votes during the SGA voting period. Sanda noted GP-US has an open ballot process that masks the results until after the election has been completed.
- June clarified that the technology will be required to mask the votes until the election is completed.
- Eric had blocking concern about open ballots and the possibility of individual retaliations.

- Voted on by 19 members, proposal does not pass with 9 YES, 9 NO and 1 Abstain.
o YES (9): Victoria Ashley, Doug Barnett, June Brashares, Maxine Daniel, Colt Gonzales, James Lauderdale, Mimi Newton, Nassim Nouri, Laura Wells
o NO (9): Carol Bouldin, Eric Brooks, Emmanuel Estrada, Sanda Everette, Josh Jones, Sadie Fulton, Ann Menasche, Shannel Pittman, Adam Siegel
o Abstain: Marla Bernstein


Appendix A - GROW - Grassroots Organizing Working Group Meeting

Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Call in Number: 605-475-4923, Code 510301#
Meeting Minutes - Draft 2
Anthony K. (VC), Laura Wells (AC), Nassim Nouri (SCC), Sudra Walton (MC), Jennifer Hall (SJC), Christine Pepin (SCC), Brian Good (SCC)
ROLES: Facilitator – Anthony, Note-taker – Nassim, Time-keeper - Laura
- Approve/amend agenda: Amended with the following:
- Nassim suggested item (5)
- Christine suggested item (1A)

(1) ANNUAL GROW WORK PLAN - due at the end of January
See Appendix 1 for GROW mission.
**Group to review by email, **Anthony will collate comments and update the plan.
GROW 2019 work plan January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020
Continue scheduling Coco calls
Start draft of new tabling pamphlet (Caucasus)
Continue scheduling Coco calls
Send Final Draft of pamphlet to clearinghouse
Send out reminders to Counties to select GA/SGA Delegates
Assist at the General Assembly, Run breakout session
Mail Starter Packs of new pamphlets to counties in need
Send out reminders to Counties to select GA/SGA Delegates
Assist at the General Assembly, Run breakout session
(1A) Pressuring public media for Green issues coverage - Christine
- Christine mentioned that currently public radio stations and other media channels are asking for listener input on programming and topics.
Greens can be calling local KPFA station and ask that they represent Greens more and bring forth the relevance of our party (and collaboration) in the current political context (GND, Medicare 4 All, migrant crisis, etc.) **Christine will email a follow up with contact details.
- Laura liked the idea of listener pressure, and mentioned there are four Alameda Greens running to be on KPFA board, some are long time activists and some are involved with the GPAC. She will likely vote for them all and they can push for the Green agenda on programming.
(2) Co-co meetings of the co-coordinators of committees and working groups
- The goal of the Cocos meeting is for all comm/wg to coordinate their work and be up to date on what other teams are doing.
- **Laura will put out a doodle poll to Cocos, Feb could be a good time to have the next call.
- Nassim suggested an agenda item for the coco call: all comm/wg to coordinate to finalize their missions and roll into one unified update to submit to Bylaws Comm. Work on this started in August 2018 and we should try to finish up soon.
(3) County Council lists - getting them corrected, for Inform list, etc.
- Laura sent a request to contacts in counties to get the latest list of County Councils.
- Some counties have responded to Laura already and she will send the request for info to a wider list soon.
- **Laura and Nassim will connect to ensure IT and CH have the latest lists.
(4) A 2019 campaign for Voter Registration of Greens - Nassim
- Nassim presented the CH proposal for a 2019 campaign for voter registration to be done in collaboration with GROW and Media.
The project will be a focused, integrated campaign in a defined period of time (i.e. could be in March St. Patrick’s Day or April for Earth Day). It would include all teams coordinating, such as: GPCA blasts, How-to flyer and VR posters (CH), Posting online with hashtag and memes (Media), direct outreach like phone calls to county councils and Green groups (GROW). GROW can be connecting with counties by phone calls to ensure Greens VR is a priority and they have what they need, or could provide training on Zoom.
- Audra loves voter registration, and has done VR campaigns with various groups and liked the idea.
- Anthony likes the idea of having a poster/flyer for registering Green as a good addition and reminder.
- Laura likes the idea and could link it to Earth Day. Ideas for poster: It’s time to get serious “Register Green”, “It’s in our hands, Register Green”.
- **Nassim will send GROW a draft of the proposed campaign.

(5) Confirm next GROW meeting - February 12, 2019, 7:30 pm
2019 meetings will continue on second Tues of each month

Appendix 1 - GROW's mission (per bylaws)
"The mission of the Grassroots Organizing Working Group (GROW) is to facilitate coordination and communication between local Green Party organizers and groups.
GROW provides resources for collaboration, skill sharing and training in order to promote the strategic growth and diversity of the party.
GROW is specifically charged with facilitating voter registration activities and supporting the growth of active County Organizations. This includes working to:
• Coordinate County Organizations into statewide efforts to register Green Party voters, do public outreach, and increase diversity in the party;
• Provide training for County Organizations in tabling and other grassroots organizing activities;
• Develop, maintain, and provide resources for tabling efforts and organization of County Organization."
Appendix B - January Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

Victoria Ashley via, Jan 24, 2019, 9:44 PM (5 days ago) to GPCA

Thursday January 24th, 2018, 8 – 9:00 pm
Dial-in Number: (515) 604-9861
Access Code: 616301*

Victoria Ashley – Liaison, Co-co (8/8/2016 - 8/2018)
Maxine (Mica) Daniel – Co-co (1/23/2016-1/2020)
Frank Lambert – (9/2017-9/2019)
Ruscal Cayangyang – Treasurer (6/2017-6/2019)

Quinton Crawford – (9/2017-9/2019)
Bob Marsh – (2/2017 – 2/2019)
Tim Laidman
Josh Jones

1. Agenda approval - Approved by consensus of those present

2. Review of Last Month's Minutes - Approved by consensus of those present

3. Updates / Treasurer Report
• Travis Credit Union state acct: $5,862.41 (ckg + savings)
• Travis Credit Union federal acct: $1,600.00 (chkg + savings)
• One United acct: $660.84
• PayPal: $3,377.16
• Barnett PayPal: $636.34
- Draft 460 due next week, is using the data from NationBuilder & deposits
- Insurance is paid for the next year
- The accounts - the Travis Federal account was initially in the savings account, but then we learned we needed to move it to a separate account, so we did that, so now it is in its own account.
- Checks coming in – Ruscal made one deposit but there is a slowdown in online donations outside of sustainers, a decrease from last month.
- One United account is still there.
- Paypal (Barnett) – we have submitted a letter and proof, but the contact information is still incorrect. Documentation was submitted 2 weeks ago but no response so far. The One United account is connected to that Paypal account. The account is still getting money, although there are still sustainers on there.
- The database is 3 MB in size – Ruscal believes we should do a clean wipe of NB and then just import the relevant contacts.
- Decision item: We authorize funds for Ruscal to pick up the Registrar of Voters data file and the postage to send it out, up to $50.
- Victoria will email IT members.

Fines status
• No change

Upcoming expenses
• Nationbuilder – $518/mo

What is the current status of our account with Nationbuilder?
Ruscal - Right now we are paying $458 for January, $458 in February. Data going back to 2002 that needs to be taken out, so we can focus on active people. We’ve budgeted less than $2000 for NB. As an example, Jovanka’s campaign was paying $900/mo, then they had someone delete the data, which took the weekend, now they are at $200/mo

4. May/June General Assembly
The next GA will be in Alameda County, either late April or early May.

Ruscal – we will do a mid-year budget update – will we have time on the agenda, or should we just do a hand-out? Maybe do a hand-out on Saturday, then have a break-out session on Sunday.

5. Next Meeting: Thursday, February 28th, 2019
For our next meeting we need to get an update on the IT Plan
Appendix C - January Clearinghouse Committee Meeting Minutes

Nassim Nouri via, 7:15 PM (3 hours ago) to GPCA

Clearinghouse Committee Meeting Report, Tuesday, Jan. 8th 3 - 4:30 pm
Members Present: Mica (coco, CC liaison), Nassim (coco), Brian. Quorum at 3:18
Members Absent: Jewel

Discussion/Decision CH 2019 Work plan
- CH agreed to ask for a total 2019 budget of $3000 to cover reordering literature and t-shirts and adding a new swag item.
2019 Q1
- Conduct a survey of county councils to determine what support products and/or materials they need. Nassim. Done at GA and on GROW list
- Create the Communication plan description. Brian
- Start a regular GPCA online newsletter publication, possible launch in Jan. Brian
- Build a list of content contributors for Communication plan. Brian, input from team; Barry Shepard, Wes, Iain, Kelsey, Marnie, etc.
- Draft a 10-point question for an FAQ webpage: Nassim
- Complete draft #2 of new NB website. Nassim with IT
- Continue building and updating the E-library of flyers and literature. All, Nassimto find translators.
- Continue fielding inquiries through email, phone, volunteer forms. Nassim/Mica/Jewel
2019 Q2
- Reprint GPCA trifold in English and Spanish (as needed)
- Collaborate with GROW and Media on a REGISTER GREEN statewide campaign. All
- Reorder GPCA t-shirts and/or design other swag (as needed)
- Create the online store for reordered t-shirts. Nassim
- Collaborate with IT on launching the new NB website. Nassim
- Continue building and updating the E-library of flyers and literature.
- Continue fielding inquiries through email, phone, volunteer forms. Nassim/Mica/Jewel

Information/Discussion t-shirt donations update and fundraising
- Mica sent 2 t-shirts, we got $150 t-shirt online donations in Dec.
- Nassim will add a call for donations for t-shirt again in the Jan blast.

CH roles and tasks reports - Nassim took over for Jewel while she is busy with work.

Responsibility / Primary / Secondary
A- Administering gpca@cagreens email / CH Com listserve / Mica / Nassim
B- Responding to inquiries / Nassim / Mica
C- Directing volunteers from GPCA and GPUS / Nassim / Jewel
D- Returning & directing calls to gpca phone 916.448.3437 / Nassim / Jewel
E- Shipping literature – regional: northern/central/south / Nassim, Mica, Jewel in each region
F- Ordering Materials / Nassim / Mica
G- Graphic and Design / Nassim / Brian
H- Creating new website content, managing shop site / Nassim / Mica
I- Communication Plan / Nassim / ?
J- Literature content creation coordinators / Brian /Mica


Appendix D - Media Committee 1/22/19 meeting notes

[gpca-cc] MEDIA COMMITTEE 1/22/19 meeting notes (monthly reporting for CC call 2/4/19)
Laura Wells via, 5:39 PM (5 hours ago) to GPCA

1/22/19, 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

PRESENT: Diana Brown (co-coordinator, FACILITATOR), Erik Rydberg, James Young, Mike Gonzales (TIMEKEEPER), Susan Lamont; ABSENT Michael Gaboury, Wes Rolley; SPOKESPERSON PRESENT Laura Wells, acting CC liaison, NOTES).

Green New Deal - Mike Gonzales.
Election Integrity, HR 1 - Susan Lamont
LA Teachers Union - Diana Brown
Newsom Advice - Wes Rolley
April - Earth Day - none yet
Shutdown of federal government - none yet
General Assembly in Alameda County in spring - none yet

Media Email List: now has only Media Members
Facebook GPCA Public: Sadie and Colt, Diana and Erik and Wes
Facebook GPCA Group: Diana admin, Erik and Mike as moderators
Green Values: needs to be more positive, and trolls taken off the page
Email Rules of Decorum: positive, reduce re-posting

Google Drive
Google email
Communication - group text, or get an email.
Gmail address for sending in photos was proposed and approved; Diana will set up.

DRAFT by Diana will be on google drive for review
MEDIA RELEASES - planning roughly 2 per month
SCHEDULE - dates such as inaugurations, State of the State speeches, Earth Day, Labor Day and other holidays, General Assemblies

Discussed existing candidates; calls to counties for candidates; GA and other trainings

PR Newswire - need access to that
Public TV Stations - on Media Com google drive
Spanish Media - Wes suggested finding Spanish media
Personal contacts - were listed

10-KEY-VALUES: Website changes are in process, to include the US version of statements vs. questions

NEW SPOKESPERSONS - There will be training for spokespersons. Suggestions are being gathered.

February 26, fourth Tuesday, 7:30pm
How-to connect to be announced


Appendix E - Campaign and Candidates Working Group (CCWG) Report

Campaigns & Candidates Working Group (CCWG) monthly report to the GPCA CC, consent calendar item, submitted by: June Brashares, CC Liaison to CCWG

The CCWG held it's monthly meeting on Sunday, January, 27th, 2019 at 7:30pm

In attendance was: Shannel Pittman (Los Angeles County), June Brashares (Sonoma County), and Richard Gomez (Fresno County). 3 voting members - Did not achieve quorum.

Discussed topics included: GPCA CC Liaison to CCWG term up to be appointed at next CC meeting, need to obtain access CCWG listserve, need to update CCWG info webpages on GPCA website, need GPCA Liaison to CCC standing committee of GPUS, upcoming special elections in March 2019 in State Senate Dist 1 & Dist 33, status of endorsement(s) for special election, opportunity to collaborate with Training WG on campaign trainings, changing GPCA Bylaws regarding CCWG - proposals to change the requirements to be a voting member of CCWG &/or make it a Committee, electoral strategy in relation to environmental movements and GND, Prop/SB50 Gentrification, Early Primary in 2020.

(The CCWG regular meeting schedule is the 4th Sunday of the month, at 7:30pm)

CCWG's next meeting is Sunday, February 24th, 2019 at 7:30 pm
Call in number is 505-398-0507, no passcode needed


Appendix F – Bylaws Committee Report

Monthly Bylaws Committee Report to the GPCA Coordinating Committee – January 2019
From: The GPCA ByLaws Committee
To: The GPCA Coordinating Committee
Date: February 2, 2019
Submitted By: Mimi Newton, CC Liaison/Co-Co ByLaws Committee
* * *
Date of the last ByLaws Committee Meeting: Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 7:30 pm.

Attendees (3): Mimi Newton, Gloria Purcell, Laura Wells (Quorum)
Absent (1): Adam Siegel
Guest: June Brashares

Date of the ByLaws Committee’s next meeting: TO BE DETERMINED*
Call in number - (515) 739-1271, access code: 753142.

*The Bylaws Committee is currently working to establish a new regular monthly day for the 2019 Bylaws Committee calls.

Summary of significant work being performed:

1) Gender wording changes to Sec. 8-2.1, 8-4.5 and add 8-4.6.

The new wording for 8-2.1 is:
8-2.1 The Coordinating Committee shall be composed of up to 24 voting members, with 12 being female and 12 being of any gender, whether male, female, or non-binary. Six women and six of any gender shall be elected each year to serve staggered, two-year terms.

In addition, it had been proposed that the following sentence should be added to 8-4.5

Unfilled vacant CC seats previously held by females are to be filled only by female candidates, other vacancies can be filled by candidates of any gender.

The BYLAWS COMMITTEE made the following revisions and that the sentence should be it's own paragraph following 8-4.5 and be numbered 8-4.6:

8-4.6 Unfilled vacant Coordinating Committee seats previously held by females are to be filled only by female candidates, other vacancies can be filled by candidates of any gender.

2) Triggers for vacancies, & how we fill midterm vacancies in 8-4.5.

The BYLAWS COMMITTEE made the following revisions:

8-4.5 Upon five (5) mid-term vacancies occurring on the Coordinating Committee (but not a vacancy occurring as a result of any seats not being filled during an annual regular election), or if due to a mid-term vacancy occurring the membership on the Coordinating Committee drops to below fifteen (15) members, the Coordinating Committeeshall publish a Notice of Vacancy and Call for Candidate Submissions to the active County Organizations, for candidates seeking election to the Coordinating Committee .

An election will be held to fill the remainder of the vacated terms and any unfilled Coordinating Committee seats (such as seats remaining unfilled from past Coordinating Committee elections).

At any time the Coordinating Committeemay, by a majority vote, call for an election to fill anyCoordinating Committee vacancy and/or unfilled seat.

[Make a paragraph break here .]

The Coordinating Committee Election Notice shall contain the timing of the submission, discussion and election process, and the time remaining in the terms for which vacancies have occurred. The Notice shall be published within a month of the fifth vacancy occurring. The submission deadline shall be 21 days from the publishing of the Notice. The discussion period shall begin on the first Monday after the close of the submission period. No vacancy shall be noticed to be filled if from the resultant timeline above, the seat would be filled after the first Monday of the April before the end of the vacated term. The top vote getter(s) will fill the two-year seats and the others will fill the one-year seats.

3. Addressing Section 7-5.3 (a): change from “3/5” to “a majority”.

7-5.3 Quorum

7-5.3(a) A quorum exists for the purpose of opening a General Assembly when 3/5 (rounding to the nearest whole number) of active counties are represented.

7-5.3(b) A quorum exists for the purpose of decision-making when 3/5 of active counties and 3/5 of registered delegates are present.

“A quorum exists for the purpose of opening a General Assembly when a majority of active counties are represented.”

Section 7-5.3 (b)

“A quorum exists for the purpose of decision-making when a majority of ACTIVE counties and 3/5 of registered delegates are present.”

4. Sec. 8 4.1 Delete "secret ballot" for SGA elections and add “open ballot” for transparency in SGA voting "as the technology used allows for it.”

The new text is:
8-4.1 Elections shall be conducted each year by the Standing General Assembly by open ballot, using Ranked Choice Voting with a No Other Candidate option, with the six week discussion period beginning on the first Monday of May and the one week voting period commencing immediately thereafter.

The BYLAWS COMMITTEE made the following revisions:

8-4.1 Elections shall be conducted each year by the Standing General Assembly by open ballot, revealing the votes as the technology used allows for it, using Ranked Choice Voting with a No Other Candidate option, with the six week discussion period beginning on the first Monday of May and the one week voting period commencing immediately thereafter.

5. Election of delegates and alternate delegates to the GPUS. [In discussion stage.]

## END ##