Name - Woody Hastings
City - Sebastopol
County - Sonoma
Contact information -
1) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills within the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.
• 1990-present: Attended, participated in numerous state GP plenaries and gatherings;
• 1990: Co-founder, Topanga Greens;
• 1991/92: Helped gather signatures to put GP on CA ballot;
• 1996-2002: GPLAC County Council;
• 2000: So Cal Coordinator, Nader/LaDuke 2000;
• 1996, 2000, 2004: Attended 1996 nominating convention (gowego), Nader delegate in 2000, Cobb delegate in 2004; McKinney delegate in 2008; Stein Delegate 2012
• 2007-present: GPCA Delegate to GPUS
• 2010-present Green Party of Sonoma County, County Council
2) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills outside of the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.
I'm a 20+ year strategic planner, public policy analyst, and community organizer focusing primarily on renewable energy and air quality related issues. I'm currently the Renewable Energy Implementation Manager for the Climate Protection Campaign. I've served as the regional director of a statewide environmental non-profit, in elected office as an environmental planning deputy, for a regional air quality agency as a senior public information specialist, and in the private sector advancing renewable energy projects and programs. I served as a Green public office holder as a Director of the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains from 2001 to 2007 (an LA County Supervisor-appointed office). I'm currently working with municipalities on deployment of clean renewable fuel infrastructure for municipal vehicle fleets. I serve on the Board of Directors of the Riverside, CA based non-profit Clean Air Now; serve as an appointed member of the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Agency's Citizens Advisory Council where I have established a Sustainable Transportation Subcommittee for which I serve as Chair; and serve as an appointed member of the San Francisco Peak Oil Preparedness Task Force. Education: BA, Environmental Studies
3) Please describe your vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including addressing the job description for GPUS Delegate.
First and foremost I want to do a good job of representing Sonoma County and California at large to the GPUS. I want to help develop a stable, functional, efficient, responsive and accountable national Party organization that gets things done; I want to help foster the development of robust GPs in all fifty states; I want to help reclaim for the GP many of the issues for which, in many cases, we have been the sole champions, but for which we do not get credit/recognition.