Name - Bernard C Macdonald
City - Albion
County - Mendocino
Contact information -
1) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills within of the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.
~15 years registered Green, 7 years active in local, much as secretary and newsletter producer (participated in chapter reconstitution in 2000); 5 years as regional alt/CC with much full time activity and CC interaction; voting delegate to 2004 National convention. Active in regional and community levels in facilitating sustainable local communities and evolving local consciousness.
2) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills outside of the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.
10 years as US Jaycee with all offices except president held.
10 years in Burlington, MA town meeting politic culminating in election to the first local government commission in New England.
20 years in North CA coast environmental efforts including successes in Enchanted Meadow effort, Water Barging issue, Veterans for Peace, Sustainable Forestry, Single Payer Health Care (25 years) all with emphasis on community participation. Member AfD. Community systems designer with Omni Instruments for 30 years. Active Quaker for 20 years
3) Please describe your vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including addressing the job description for GPUS Delegate.
I am motivated to assist in the discovery of new methods to empower grassroots participation via internet methodologies and to expand and redefine the leadership role of the Green party via purposeful coalitions with other third parties. Intrinsic in this direction is a dramatic re-empowerment of community level organization.
My history with GPCA has been notably active in meeting attendance and engagement in the development of communication modalities and experimental movements intended to further the application of Green Party values in the discovery of true consensus process. It is my belief that consensus process in a community setting is necessary for a new ecological era to emerge and prosper the human spirit.
Bottom line is - All You Need is Love