Name - Richard Gomez
City - Fresno Greens
County - Fresno
Statement of purpose/qualifications to serve as a National Member of California's delegation to the national Green Party.
We should be building a Political force that should benefit all people. A blue print if you will, of people who can help navigate our lives through a complex and unforgiving world that needs a caring, fairer and a honest touch. A map of many different tastes but within the chosen guiding structure of our 10 Key Values. A process whose beginning takes time to root. So to continue to strive for a better state, I am applying to be a California delegate to National Green Party again.
I’m a member of the Latino Caucus and the Diversity Committee, as well as a Fresno County Green Party County Council member since 2008. I have been an arrested member of Occupy Fresno, and faced many threats of arrest for advocating the ending of Nuclear Energy by our federal government, PG&E and more for decades. A member of Peace Fresno and the Fresno Center of Nonviolence that opposes Killer Drones and War. I am a sympathetic supporter of the local homeless community and opposed to our city mayor’s ill treatment of them. I continue to advocate for the Environment, Immigrant Rights, GLBT, and for the right of people to be safe from Killer Cops where in Fresno over 80 people have been gunned down by police since 2001. I oppose the Death Penalty, especially Proposition 35, which would have sacrificed any support for those on death row who could have proven their innocence. Once again, I shall do my best to proudly serve as a member of California's delegation to the National Green Party.
Thank you and feel free to contact me for questions and comments.