Coordinating Committee minutes, March 2, 2015

Coordinating Committee members present (11): Marla BernsteinDavid CurtisMaxine Daniel,  Sanda EveretteMike FeinsteinMarnie Glickman,  Parker JeanTim LaidmanJesse Moorman,   Alex Shantz, Rich Zitola

Coordinating Committee members not-present (4): Victoria AshleySusan Chunco,  â€‹Gladwyn d'Souza, Candice Yamaguchi
Invited Guests, Greens (1): Doug Barnett, Treasurer
Invited Guests, non-Greens (1): Richard Winger, Ballot Access News
Quorum: Quorum reached at 7:35 with nine (9) present:  Marla BernsteinDavid CurtisMaxine Daniel,  Sanda EveretteMike FeinsteinMarnie Glickman,  Parker JeanTim Laidman,  Alex Shantz, 
Rich Zitola joined call at 7:39
Jesse Moorman joined call at 7:49
Richard Winger joined call at 8:13

2) Roles
Facilitator: Alex Shantz
Minutes taker: Mike Feinstein
Time keeper: Maxine Daniel
Vibes Watcher: Tim Laidman

3) Approval of Agenda (five minutes or less) 

Proposal (Everette): Add Application by Cynthia Potten, Media Committee after #7 
Proposal (Laidman): Add Application by Frank Lambert for Finance Committee after #7
Approved by Consensus
Proopsal (Moorman): Add proposal about Bylaws Amendment: Revision of standard outline format for GPCA documents
Withdrawn in the face of outstanding concerns
Proposal (Shantz): Approve agenda as amended
Approved by Consensus

4) Approve minutes

Decision: Approval of Minutes from January 23 Coordinating Committee meeting (five minutes)

Approved by Consensus
Decision: Approval of Minutes from February 2 Coordinating Committee meeting (five minutes)
Decision: Approval of Minutes from Monterey GA for submission to SGA for approval  (five minutes)
Proposal (Feinstein): Approval, with attendance records to be added before approval by SGA
Approved by Consensus

5) Discussion: Next Steps with Rubin v. Padilla (Feinstein) 

Richard Winger, Editor of Ballot Access News, presented an updated on the status of Rubin v. Padilla

6)  Discussion: Timing of next SGA round in March/April (Feinstein, Laidman) 

Feinstein presented a likely timing for the next SGA round to begin on either March 16 or March 23

7) Discussion: Email blast to GPCA members regarding promoting US Social Forum and June General Assembly  (Feinstein, Laidman, Everette)

Discussion was held on the content and timing of the email 

8) Appointment: Franklin Lambert, Finance Committee

Proposal (Laidman): Appointment contingent upon Lambert's submission of his application to the Coordinating Committee Co-coordinators

Approved by Consensus

9) Appointment: Cynthia Potten, Media Committee

Item withdrawn after realizing she is not eligible

10)  Discussion: How GPCA can Assist Alameda County in Production of Voter Guide (Laidman)

Discussion was held.

11) Report: Treasurer (Barnett) 

Barnett presented his report

12) Report: Committees (20 minutes) 

A) Bylaws
Feinstein reported that there were no actions to report
B) Clearinghouse 
Laidman reported on status of contract with Kendra Gonzalez
C) Finance 
Laidman reported on receving state sharing funds from GPUS
D) Media 
Everette reported upon new applicant
E) Platform (Glickman)
Glickman reported upon consideration of new platform amendments
F) Information Technology Committee (Laidman)
G) Campaign Fund Support Committee   
E) Fundraising Committee 

11) Report: Working Groups (15 minutes) 

Campaigns and Candidates (Moorman)
Electoral Reform (Jean)
Green Issues (Moorman) 
Grassroots Organizing (Shantz)