Budget (archive 2015-11-29)


We must insist on measuring the long and short-term benefits of government spending after the fact. Too often benefits are promised that never materialize but the spending continues.
We need a thorough analysis of the California State Budget from a perspective which emphasizes results for the people of the state. California, like other states and the federal government, struggles to avoid budget deficits. The great bulk of expenditures in this state are for education and welfare. While Greens advocate adequate funding for these areas, we question whether this is being accomplished effectively.
We must examine the results that are achieved by the centralized bureaucracies that manage our welfare and education systems. Are these bureaucracies responding to the needs of the people in the state? It would seem not.
Increasing expenditures for prisons are also a concern.

The Green Party calls for effective government spending: 
Conduct cost-effectiveness studies of the major departments in state, county and local government.
It should be part of the responsibility of state government to communicate how it is spending the public's money in ways that are accessible to the public and to county and local governments.
Make strategic social investments to avoid much greater future costs. For example, investing in public renewable energy, quality education, sustainable urban and rural planning, infrastructure planning related to climate change, protection of the environment, and social programs. Providing effective family planning services will avoid later costs associated with neglected children; a state universal health care single-payer system will keep all healthy.

Create a state bank to retain wealth within California.
Stop the enormous expansion of the prison industry, which is a disproportionately large item in the state budget. 

Amended by the GPCA Standing General Assembly, November 29, 2015