Jill Stein Community Organizing Kickoff

Community Organizing Kickoff for the 2024 Election!
Saturday, June 29, 2024, online. 3 - 4:30 pm PT / 6 - 7:30 pm ET

Register TODAY!

Dr. Jill Stein, the winner of the CA March Primary Election, joins us to kick off the California Community Organizing Program co-hosted by the GPCA Membership and Outreach Committee and the Candidates Committee. Having won every Green Party Primary and convention with 219 delegate votes to date, Dr. Stein has clinched the Green Party presidential nomination and her campaign has gained momentum and ballot access across the country.

We invite all who have been disenfranchised by the parties of War and Wall Street to join us at this event and help Greens build on the campaign's energy and momentum for a real choice in November.

This webinar will include a discussion with Dr. Jill Stein on the challenges and opportunities in the 2024 Election, followed by a workshop that offers resources and training on how to begin organizing for the November Election in your community!
Registration is required to attend this online event which is open to the public and free. This event will immediately follow the CA General Assembly, so register NOW!
General Assembly attendees, please note that a separate registration is needed in order to attend the Jill Stein event.

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