Coordinating Committee Internal Procedures
(Last amended and approved 4/4/21)
See pdf version HERE
Table of Contents
Article I. Coordinators
Article II. Work Plan and Long-Term Agenda Planning
Article III. Meetings
Article IV. On-Line Proposals
Article V. Appointments to Standing Committees and CC liaisons
Article VI. Appointments of CC Liaisons for Standing Committees and Working Groups
Article VII. Sub-Committee
Article VIII. GPCA General Assemblies and Gatherings
Article I: Coordinators
1-1: Selection, term and vacancy
1-1.1 Selection - As per the GPCA Bylaws Section on Coordinators, all GPCA Standing Committees shall have two Coordinators, including the Coordinating Committee (CC). This Article establishes that for the CC, there shall be one female and another of any gender or sex Coordinator and in a supporting role, one female Alternate Coordinator and another of any gender or sex.
1-1.2 Term - Coordinators and alternates shall serve two-year terms, with no term limits. Terms shall run from February of odd-numbered years for the female Coordinator and female Alternate, and from February in even-numbered years for the other Coordinator and Alternate of any gender or sex.
1-1.3 Vacancy - A Coordinator vacancy shall exist when a Coordinator has submitted a written resignation to the CC, is recalled by the CC or the electing body to the CC, is no longer registered Green; or misses three consecutive General Assemblies or regular CC meetings.
1-1.4 In case of a vacancy Alternates do not permanently assume the position of Coordinator. Rather, the corresponding Alternate fulfills the duties and authority of Coordinator until their term ends, upon which time the nomination process shall be initiated as described in 1-3.
1-2: Duties and Authority
The Coordinators and Alternate Coordinators shall work collaboratively to facilitate the CC’s work and to meet their duties and responsibilities, including to:
1-2.1 Ensure that CC actions are in accordance with GPCA Bylaws and Rules and Procedures, and the CC Internal Procedures;
1-2.2 Draft agendas for CC meetings, ensure meetings are held as scheduled, and facilitate CC on-line voting;
1-2.3 Administer and monitor the CC email list to maintain an accurate CC roster and promote effective communication and working decorum among members.
1-2.4 Respond to general external and internal inquiries directed to the CC,
1-2.5 Provide welcome and orientation to new CC members and address their questions regarding policies, rules and procedures.
1-2.6 Conduct new delegate orientation at GPCA plenaries;
1-2.7 Communicate on behalf of the CC with the GPCA Liaison to the Secretary of State, GPCA Spokespersons and the Coordinators of Standing Committees and Working Groups;
1-2.8 Ensure CC members and GPCA Committees and Working Groups complete tasks and actions approved by the CC, such as ensuring the IT Committee updates CC web pages with new information and CC meeting minutes.
1-3: Nominations
1-3.1 Nominations for Coordinators and alternate Coordinators shall open 15 days before the current Coordinators’ terms end and announced by posting to the CC email list. Nominations shall be posted to the CC email list and maybe accepted by candidates through email. Self-nominations shall be accepted when made. Nominations of the same person may be made and accepted for both Coordinator and alternate Coordinator. Nominations shall close at midnight two days before the CC meeting.
1-3.2 Candidates must submit a written candidate statement to the CC email list, no later than two days before the CC meeting. The statement should include a brief biography and a list of relevant experiences and perspective on how the candidate will perform their duties.
1-4: Elections
1-4.1 Coordinators and Alternate Coordinators shall be selected sequentially via a CC meeting at the close of the previous Coordinator’s term, via the process described below.
1-4.2 If there is only one candidate, the candidate shall make a brief statement, followed by a CC decision through the consensus process.
1-4.3 If there is more than one candidate, each shall make a brief statement, followed by a call for questions and concerns, after which the candidates addresse concerns. Voting shall be by instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. All CC members may cast votes, using the best platform depending to how the meeting is conducted (in-person, by phone, or video). A candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.
Article II. Work Plan and Long-Term Agenda Planning
On an annual basis by the end of August each year, the CC shall prepare:
2-1 A yearly work plan along with any budget requests.
2.2 A draft schedule for the CC meetings
2.3 A Strategic Plan and Calendar to ensure the CC meets its responsibilities. The draft schedule shall guide, but not mandate, individual CC, Standing Committee, and Working Group agenda planning, except when legal or bylaws deadlines must be met.
Article III. Meetings
3-1 Meeting Agendas
3-1.1 Agenda items
Agenda items are accepted from CC member, county Green Parties or Committees and Working Groups. For regularly scheduled CC monthly meetings, agenda items must be sent to the CC email list at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
3-1.2 Late Agenda items
Items sent later than 7 days prior to the CC meeting are considered ‘Late Items’, and will only be considered for addition to the agenda if they are ‘time-sensitive’.
3-1.3 Draft Agenda Approval
A CC meeting draft agenda shall be submitted to the CC email list 6 days prior to the meeting. During the meeting’s agenda approval process, meeting roles are assigned, items’ order and timing revisions are made, Late Items are considered, and the final agenda is approved by consensus or a majority vote.
3-1.4 Proposal Format
Proposals to the CC shall be submitted in this format as needed:
Background and Purpose:
3-2 Quorum & Attendance
3-2.1 Quorum for CC meetings shall be a majority of seated members, according to the proposal passed by the General Assembly in October 2009 (
3-2.2 CC members shall be considered to have attended a CC meeting if they are present for at least half of the scheduled meeting time, and considered present starting upon announcing themselves as present.
3-2.3 The minutes taker for a CC meeting shall record the time at which roll call has been taken and quorum established (at the beginning of the CC meeting or before a decision item), and shall also clearly record the time of arrival of any CC member who announces their presence after roll call has been taken and quorum has been established.
3-2.4 CC members who join late must announce themselves as present at the meeting prior to any item being presented and discussed in order to be able to vote on that item. The minutes taker shall record if and when a member arriving late has joined in the midst of a decision item making them ineligible to vote on that item. CC members who join late may vote on any items for which they are present during the entire item.
3-3 Consensus and Conduct
3-3.1 Proposal sponsors shall be called upon first by the facilitator to present their proposals. Facilitators shall then call for clarifying questions followed by an opportunity for the sponsor(s) to respond, then call for concerns and affirmations followed by an opportunity for the sponsor(s) to respond.
3-3.2 Once questions have been answered and concerns addressed, the facilitator shall ask whether there are any outstanding concerns. If not, the facilitator shall announce there is consensus. If yes, the facilitator shall ask whether the concerned person(s) are willing to stand aside. If yes, their stated concern will be recorded in the minutes and the facilitator shall announce that there is consensus. If no, the sponsor may ask for a vote or withdraw the proposal. If the proposal goes to a vote, the facilitator shall ask the minutes taker to call the roll. The Facilitator or their designee then calls each CC member for their vote and the minute-taker records the vote and announces the results.
3-3.3 Conduct – CC members shall abide by the following principles:
- We have the right to a safe, respectful, collaborative, and inclusive space devoid of oppression, bullying or marginalization in any form.
- We treat others as we expect to be treated; engage in direct and open communication and transparency, share and distribute power equitably, and hold ourselves accountable to each other and the community at large.
- - We commit to consider the impact of our conduct over our intent.
- According to our Email Rules of Decorum, we will not engage in discussions that are; personality-based, biased, offensive, prejudicial, dismissive, minimizing, misrepresentative of another's work, judgmental, repetitive, or off-topic.
3-3.4 Facilitator’s role – Facilitators of the CC meetings shall implement the principles in 3-3.3 in the following manner:
- “Course Correct”; stop discussion and address any problematic conduct. Present a reminder of the forgoing principles, call for a member check-in, capture concerns, and allow the person to course correct.
- Ensure that no one dominates discussions immediately, usurps power, claims higher knowledge over others, abuses the tools of consensus decision-making, breaks stack, or uses oppressive practices.
- In case of repeated breaking of the principles without appropriate course-correction, stop the discussion and remove member’s participation privileges if any of the above-mentioned conduct is continued.
3-4 Minutes
3-4.1 The note-taker shall use the agenda as a template to capture minutes of CC meetings which shall consist of the date, time, location (where applicable), members present, absent those who join late or leave the meeting early. Also included are assigned meeting roles, agenda modifications, items heard, decisions-made, (including vote tallies of who voted for, against, abstained, or stood aside), the text of all proposals (including amendments and concerns of those who stood aside), and the monthly reports submitted by GPCA Committees and Working Groups listed under Consent items and included in Appendices.
3-4.2 The note-taker shall submit draft minutes to the CC email list at the latest 10 days prior to the next CC meeting. The CC members may post proposed revisions to the CC email list. The note-taker shall make a good faith effort to incorporate proposed revisions for the most factually accurate minutes before submitting them for approval to the CC.
3-4.3 The CC shall approve previous months’ minutes by consensus or a majority vote.
3-4.4 Approved minutes shall be posted to the CC email list and the IT Committee Liaison will ensure the minutes are posted to the public CC minutes webpage.
3-5 Executive Session
3-5.1 The CC shall go into Executive Session for discussions on personnel matters, sensitive legal and financial matters in which the Party itself is involved in actual or
, sensitive conversations concerning Green candidates or elected officials, and when dealing with proprietary information of vendors and contractors. No other circumstances are appropriate for Executive Session. Only CC members and invited persons whose participation is necessary to address the agenda item are allowed to participate.
3-5.2 The CC shall refer to an Executive Session parts or all discussions on any proposed items to the CC if it meets the criteria listed in 3-5.1.
3-5.3 Minutes of all Executive Session shall include the time of entering and exiting Executive Session, those present and a general summary of topics discussed, without including specific information precluded under 3-5.1. Decisions made in Executive Session shall be reported in the CC minutes, subject to any legal limitations on disclosure.
Article IV. On-Line Proposals
4-1 Purpose and application
The CC may make on-line decisions about proposals via the process described in this Article. The same standards for quorum and approval threshold apply as with other CC decision. Use of on-line decision-making is restricted to:
4-1.1 When a proposal has been discussed at a regular CC meeting and a decision is made by majority vote or by consensus to put the item to an on-line vote. The CC may direct that the voting period shall begin upon conclusion of the meeting and run through the next two or seven days;
4-1.2 When there is a need for the CC to make certain time-sensitive decisions to meet legal, project, and/or party deadlines, and that decision cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled CC meeting;
4-1.3 When a proposal has been scheduled as part of the CC’s annual Strategic Plan and Calendar schedule, there shall be one week discussion, beginning on a Monday and ending at midnight on Sunday followed by one week of voting commencing immediately thereafter, ending at midnight the following Sunday.
4-2 Posting
All proposals shall be posted with "ONLINE VOTE: [TITLE]" in the subject header of the email and shall be in the format described in 3-1.3. The email shall clearly state the dates for a two- or seven- day discussion/vote period and the vote close date, such as:
VOTING PERIOD STARTS NOW and continues through Friday, May 1, at 10:30 pm.
Please vote by replying to this email with your vote of "Yes", "No", or "Abstain”.
An on-line vote requires a majority of members for quorum and a majority of yes plus no votes for approval.
4-3 Voting and Discussion
The two- or seven-day online period serves as both discussion and voting period. During this time members shall: ask clarifying questions, express concerns and affirmations, hear responses from the sponsors, and vote. During this period amendments may also be offered and considered or the sponsors may choose to withdraw the proposal.
4-4 Vote Reporting
At the conclusion of the voting period, the proposer will tally the online votes and post the results to the CC email list listing who votes yes, no, or abstained on the proposal. The Agenda preparer for the next CC meeting will include all the online proposal details and the results conducted in the last month in the agenda for the next CC meeting.
Article V. Appointments of CC Liaisons for Standing Committees and Working Groups
GPCA Bylaws outline the CC role in the appointment of CC Liaison (Section 8.1.6). Further details include:
5-1 Duties – According to GPCA Bylaws each committee and working group shall be assigned a CC Liaison, who will serve as the Committee Coordinators and a voting, ex-officio member of that committee or working group. The Liaison responsibilities are to:
5-1.1 Facilitate communications between the committee or working group and the CC.
5-1.2 Post monthly meeting reports on the committee or working group’s work to the CC email list for inclusion in the CC minutes, at least seven days prior to each CC meeting. The report should include the dates and times of the meeting, list of present and absent members, any major decisions, status of work on CC action items, progress and major accomplishments, and the date and time of the next meeting;
5-1.3 Bring to the CC any issues of concern such as challenges or obstacles hindering the committee or working group’s function.
5-1.4 Provide feedback on applications for committee appointments.
5-2 Appointment and Terms
The CC shall fill open Liaison seats on an annual basis and/or whenever vacancies occur at a regularly scheduled CC meeting to two-year terms or for as long as they serve on the CC. If there is only one candidate for Liaison, the CC shall first test for consensus. If consensus is reached, the candidate shall be considered appointed, if not, the Liaison is appointed by a simple majority a vote. The Liaison position shall be considered vacant upon the Liaison's term or their CC term ending. There are no term limits on the Liaison position.
Article VI. Appointments to Standing Committees
GPCA Bylaws outline the CC role in Committee and Working Group Appointments (Section 8 and 9). Further details include:
6-1 Criteria for appointment - When considering appointments to standing committees the CC shall consider: candidate’s biography and statement, candidate’s working knowledge of GPCA bylaws and procedures, candidate’s skill set relevant to the Committee’s mandate, compliance with the committee’s internal procedures (if any), input and nominations by the CC and standing committee Coordinators, liaison and membership.
6-2 Appointment - If there are as many or fewer candidates than open Committee seats, the CC shall first test for consensus on the full list of candidates. If consensus exists, then all candidates shall be appointed. If there are more candidates than open seats or if there is not consensus, each candidate shall be considered individually. If consensus is not reached on any individual candidate, there shall be a call for a vote to be conducted with a 2/3 threshold.
Article VII. Subcommittees
When needed for addressing specific issues or completing specific projects, the CC may decide to form temporary and ad-hoc sub-committees, other than those listed below.
7-1 Strategy Sub-Committee
7-1.1 Duties - The Strategy Sub-Committee is charged with facilitating the CC’s role in GPCA Strategic Plan, including to:
7-1.1.1 Plan and Facilitate an annual General Assembly strategic retreat, including a review of the draft Strategic plan (calendar);
7-1.1.2 Annually prepare a draft two-year Strategic plan (calendar) for the GPCA by using the individual work plans from the Working Groups and Standing Committees (as described in GPUS Bylaws 11.2 Work Plan), relevant information regarding election cycles and other deadlines affecting the GPCA from the state of California and the U.S. Government, internal deadlines of the GPCA, and deadlines of the Green Party of the United States affecting the GPCA;
7-1.1.3 Propose a draft two-year Strategic plan (calendar) for approval by the General Assembly at the same time of budget approval.
7-1.2 Membership - The Strategy Sub-Committee shall made of six members appointed by the CC, each serving two year terms, with three members appointed each year and appointments to occur in the third quarter of each year.
7-1.3 Appointment - If there are as many or fewer candidates than open seats, the CC shall first test for consensus on the full list of candidates. If consensus exists, all candidates shall be appointed. Without consensus, or when there are more candidates than open seats, candidates shall be appointed by ranked choice voting, per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.8.
Article VIII. GPCA General Assemblies and Gatherings
8-1 Attendance at GPCA General Assemblies
GPCA General Assemblies shall be open to County Delegates, Party Officers, members of the Coordinating Committee, Coordinators of Standing Committees and Working Groups. Space-permitting, all other members of the Green Party of California are also able to attend.
The only non-party individuals who may attend shall be those invited by the Coordinating Committee, either at its own initiative or at the recommendation of other party committees, working groups or county party organizations, for purposes pertinent to the business of the GPCA.
8-2 General Assembly Income and Expenses
All income and expenses associated with GPCA General Assemblies and Gathering shall be reported by the GPCA in its filings with the FPPC.
8-2.1 Expenses All expenses for GPCA General Assemblies and Gatherings, other than those deemed to be petty cash expenses by the State Meeting Planning Committee, shall be paid for by the GPCA and not any County Party or individual
8-2.2 Income - All income generated by GPCA General Assemblies and Gatherings shall be received either through the GPCA's web site and/or checks written to the GPCA, and shall be deposited in the GPCA's bank accounts. No income shall be received via any County Party or individual's web site nor through any checks or cash to any County Party or individual.
8-2.3 Funds to County Party Hosts
Where funds are to go to County Parties as a result of their expenditures on hosting GPCA General Assemblies and Gatherings, it shall be in the form of a payment from the GPCA to the County Party for services rendered or reimbursements in hosting the meeting. If necessary, such arrangements shall be made by the State Meeting Planning Committee in advance of said General Assemblies and Gatherings.
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