GPCA CC Teleconference Minutes
Monday, December 12, 2011
Coordinating Committee members present (11): Victoria Ashley (East Bay), Warner Bloomberg (Silicon Valley), Sean Dodd (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles), Barry Hermanson (San Francisco), Tim Laidman (at-large), Matt Leslie (Orange/Riverside/San Bernardino), Michael Rubin (at-large), Alex Shantz (North Bay), Kate Tanaka (at-large)
Coordinating Committee members not present (4): Sanda Everette (at-large), Dave Heller (at-large), Jeff Quackenbush (San Diego), Lauren Sinnott (at-large)
Invited participants: Marnie Glickman, GPCA Managing Director
Quorum: Quorum reached at 7:38 with 8/15 present: Ashley, Bloomberg, Dodd, Feinstein, Hermanson, Laidman, Leslie, Rubin, Shantz; Tanaka joined at 7:54
Proposal (Dodd): add discussion of elections/status of Ashley, Borenstein after Bloomberg’s items
Proposal (Rubin): add discussion item about January retreat after Dodd’s item
Proposal (Leslie): go with times on agenda, then decide how much time to dedicate to items from Bloomberg, Dodd and Rubin
Agenda approved by consensus with amendments
Glickman reported on work done since her last report to the Coordinating Committee in November.
3. REPORT: GPCA Fundraising Mailing (Finance Committee, Glickman)
Glickman reported on GPCA fundraising mailing that went out on 12/12/2011.
4. APPOINTMENT: Appointment to Media Committee of Mike Feinstein, Lisa Taylor and Alex Walker
Appointments by consensus with one stand aside
Outstanding concern, stand aside (Bloomberg) one person being on too many committees, creates an uneasy of perception of one person being everywhere; by one person being on all these committees, it prevents leadership development where that person fills in instead of training others; many of us do more work than is reasonable and it can abusive to the person doing so much work; but understands situation we are in and does not question applicant’s motivations, so will stand aside.
5. APPOINTMENT: Tim Laidman as CC Liaison to Green Issues Working Group; Alex Shantz as CC Liaison to GROW
Laidman - Appointed by consensus
Shantz - Appointed by consensus
6. PROPOSAL: Establish a CC task force to review website security (ten minutes) (Laidman)
Proposal: That the CC establish a CC task force and select task force members to conduct a review security of sensitive information on GPCA website and report back to the CC for approval to make changes as needed to protect financial, budget, legal, political planning and other sensitive information from disclosure to the general public. This could take the form of password protection for access by party members only, secure internal non-searchable web pages, encrypted text or other methods.
Dodd, Feinstein, Laidman volunteered; Feinstein nominated Glickman. Laidman committed to outreaching to others in the party, including participants on the email list.
Approved by consensus.
7. DISCUSSION: GPCA General Assembly in Los Angeles
Discussion held.
8. DISCUSSION: Identifying potential timing and location for GPCA spring General Assembly
Discussion held, possible locations in the Bay Area discussed, possible date in April discussed so as not to conflict with Earth Day.
9. DISCUSSION and a PROPOSAL: On-going staffing needs for GPCA.
PROPOSAL: That the CC establish a committee to prepare a staffing proposal for our teleconference on January 2nd. The proposal should include job descriptions, job titles and a suggested amount of compensation (Hermanson)
Proposal withdrawn by sponsor in response to four outstanding concerns (Bloomberg, Dodd, Leslie, Rubin)
10. PROPOSAL: That GPCA endorse SB 810, the Universal Single-Payer Health care bill. (Laidman)
Approved by consensus
Remaining items not heard owing to time consideratons
1. The 2nd CFSC position remains vacant. Is there a volunteer?
2. At the Plenary, the GA approved procedures for selecting delegates to the GPUS Presidential Nominating Committee. The CC is supposed to
provide one position out of eight. Is there a volunteer?
3. At the Plenary, Barry clearly announced he would be stepping down from the CC to run for Congress. (Barry: Does that also include your
Finance and Budget Committee positions? - Yes.) We need to set a period for nominations and self-nominations to fill the vacancy for the
remainder of Barry's 2011-2013 term. I suggest we start December 12th and close January 3, 2012.
4. At the Plenary, a "Fiscal Policy" was adopted. Part of that includes rules for work plans. An announcement needs to be sent to the
SC/WG coordinators advising that these will be expected to be included in their upcoming 2012 work plans (this does not need to be agendized if
the CC CoCos will just say one or both will do it).
5. The budget cycle is about to restart. We need to request the Finance Committee appoint its two Budget Committee members by early
January -- and we need to do the same -- so the BC can meet and agree how work plans and budget proposals will be received and compiled.
6. A CC work plan and budget proposals needs to be prepared and approved not later than our January in-person retreat since it is due by
January 31, 2012.