Coordinating Committee members present (12): Victoria Ashley (East Bay), Marla Bernstein (at-large), Warner Bloomberg (Silicon Valley), June Brashares (at-large), Maxine Daniel (at-large); Sanda Everette (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles), Sasha Karlik (at-large), Tim Laidman (at-large), Alex Shantz (North Bay), Michael Rubin (at-large), Kate Tanaka (at-large)
5) Report: Update on lawsuit vs. Prop 14/SB6 (attorney Gautum Dutta)
Section 3-9 Executive Session
3-9.1 The Coordinating Committee may go into Executive Session only for personnel matters, sensitive legal and financial matters in which the Party itself is involved in actual or potential legal proceedings, sensitive conversations concerning Green candidates or elected officials, and when dealing with proprietary information of vendors and contractors. No other circumstances are appropriate for Executive Session. Only Coordinating Committee members and persons invited by the Coordinating Committee whose participation is necessary to address the agenda item are allowed to participate.
3-9.2 When an item proposed for Executive Session is called on the agenda, it shall first require consensus or a 2/3 vote to enter Executive Session. Once Executive Session has begun, if at least twenty percent of the Coordinating Committee members present believe that the discussion is entering areas that are inappropriate for Executive Session as per 3-9.1, they may ask for a vote and 2/3 is required to remain in Executive Session.
3-9.3 Agenda item for which Executive Session is denied or permission withdrawn as per 3-9.2 may be heard in open session, but only within the limits of what may be discussed outside of Executive Session, as per 3-9.1.
3-9.4 Minutes of all Executive Session shall include the time of entering and exiting Executive Session, those present and a general summary of topics discussed, without including specific information precluded under 3-9.1. Decisions made in Executive Session shall be reported in the Coordinating Committee minutes, subject to any legal limitations on disclosure.
General summary of topics discussed:
The Coordinating Committee discussed a series of letters sent to the GPUS by the Federal Elections Committee and their potential legal, financial and political implications for the GPCA, the GPUS and the Stein/Honkala campaign, and discussed the follow up by the GPUS to the Coordinating Committee's letter to them, approved by the Coordinating Committee on its August 6th teleconference.
7) Decision: Background/Outreach for GPCA positions on ballot measures (Feinstein)
8) Decision: GPCA P.O. Box in Sacramento (Feinstein)