Statement of purpose/qualifications to serve as a National Member of California's delegation to the national Green Party.
I am applying to become one of California delegate to National Green Party after spending the last two years as one of it's Alternate. I have been fortunate to enjoy many of the same opportunities as a delegate already, but as a party and political force, we must continue to grow. So I wish to allow those who, like me 2 years ago, felt uncertain about taking on such a responsiblity. An opportunity that I'm glad that I did and now am ready to step up higher.
I'm a member of the soon to be recognized Latino Caucus as well as part of the restarting of the Diversity Committee. I was proud to be a delegate to the National Convention in Baltimore, MD last year and I thanks those who help me get there. I shall soon be ending my term as Co-cordinator of the CCWG and am currently serving my 2nd term as County Council member of the Fresno County Green Party.
We are building a structure that should benefit all people. A blue print if you will, of people who can help navigate our lives in a complex and unforgiving world that demands a softer and truer touch. A backbone that in time will strengthen the Green Party in the State and in the nation.
Once again, I will be proud to be serve as a member of California's delegation to the National Green Party. Thank you and I hope to pass the audition. Feel free to contact me for questions and comments.
Fresno Greens
Now on skype at: richard.gomez504.