Kent Mesplay, Application for Delegate, Green Party of the United States

Name - Kent Mesplay
City - Encinitas
County  - San Diego
Contact information -

1) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills within of the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.
Registered Green since 1995 in CA; Current National Committee Delegate for the California Green Party, 2004-2013; former Co-Chair, Communications Committee San Diego County Council of the Green Party; speaking / writing / debating / organizing skills as demonstrated through experience as a G.P.U.S. presidential candidate: 2004, 2008, 2012.
2) Please list any prior or current positions, related experience, and/or personal and professional skills outside of the Green Party that you have, that apply to this position.
Air Quality Inspector II for the San Diego Air Pollution Control District, 2001 to present: knowledgeable in climate change issues; Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, with knowledge of science issues and public policy; interested in public health, as influenced by early exposure to tropical diseases in rain-forest and international health personnel (first ten years living in Papua New Guinea highlands); blended ancestry includes Blackfeet (Native American). I have contacts and friends from several tribal nations.
3) Please describe your vision for serving as GPUS Delegate including addressing the job description for GPUS Delegate.
National Committee delegates are entrusted with developing and supporting policy that not only establishes and defines G.P.U.S. but that models appropriate party behavior to the nation and world. We are representatives of more than our respective states. I agree with the previous statement of Mato Ska (aka Martin Zehr) regarding specific, basic delegate roles, namely: An NC Delegate from California needs to represent the concerns of California Greens within the National Committee both organizationally and politically; an NC delegate needs to recognize the decisions of the leadership bodies of the GPCA; an NC member needs to maintain the necessary decorum within the NC to address resolutions and proposals, sponsor them as directed by the state Green Party and make proposals that can be reviewed by state and county bodies of the party; an NC member needs to support the campaign efforts of the Presidential nominee as determined by the nominating convention of the GPUS, an NC representative needs to assure adequate representation of the needs and concerns of California Greens internally and increase the financial viability and organizational integrity of the GPUS, an NC delegate needs to work with other California state delegates in addressing proposals and resolutions before the NC; an NC delegate needs to communicate with other delegates in the review and evaluation of actions before the NC in a professional manner that upholds the integrity of the decision-making process; an NC delegate represents his or her own views in such a way as to promote unity while forthrightly representing GPCA and not sacrificing the ethical responsibility for my own individual accountability in upholding the Ten Key Values and an NC delegate needs to respect divergent views within the GPCA and the National Committee (Martin summarized our duties well).