Campaigns and Candidates Working Group

The Campaigns & Candidates Working Group is charged with facilitating the electoral work of the party, including to:

• Develop and implement a GPCA electoral strategy;
• Establish internal procedures for and coordinate a process of inviting, receiving and compiling analysis and recommendations from Greens and others on statewide ballot measures, perform an analysis of each ballot measure in relation to the GPCA Platform, resolutions and Ten Key Values, and make proposals to the General Assembly for GPCA positions;
• Identify, recruit and support credible Green candidates, and educate and train them and other GPCA members in campaign skills, organization and electoral strategy;
• Promote and facilitate effective strategies for winning campaigns;
• Identify key campaigns in which Green Party members can play a pivotal role;
• Make appointments to the Campaign Funding Support Committee;
• Facilitate post-election reporting and analysis from candidates and campaigns.

Get Involved

Any Green Party member can participate in the CCWG. The CCWG meets by teleconference and in person at Green Party of California General Assemblies. There is also a CCWG email list open to registered Greens (only) in California. Subscribe here. Working group members earn voting privileges when they attend at lease two working group meetings within two years. 


For more information, contact CCWG Co-coordinator and Coordinating Committee Liaison Shannel Pittman (2/2019 - 2/2021) and please include your name and county.